Liang Zhenlin.STUDIES ON VARIATION AND DIFFERENCE OF CHARACTERSOF STEM AND LEAF BETWEEN SHADE- ENDURING ANDSHADE- NON- ENDURING SOYBEANS[J].Soybean Science,2000,19(01):35-41.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2000.01.0035]
- Title:
- Keywords:
- So ybean; Shade- endurance; Mo nocul ture; Intercropping; Characters ofstem and leaf va riation
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 大豆不耐阴品种的性状变异大于耐阴品种,茎叶性状中,叶形指数的变异最小、柄角的变异最大,表明叶形性状较稳定、柄角性状易受环境影响。对照单作,大豆间作后,节长增加、节径和柄茎变细,比叶鲜、干重下降,两类型大豆有着基本一致的消长趋势,但在消长平准上,不耐阴品种比耐阴品种显著。柄角、柄长和叶片的长、宽及面积等五性状,在中、高节位上的叶层变化及差异,表现了不耐阴品种对弱光环境反应的敏感和耐阴品种的钝性。耐阴品种比不耐阴品种的叶片相对厚小、叶形狭长、叶柄短且与主茎夹角小、植株收敛、节短、主茎弹性好,抗倒,适于密植和间作。
- Abstract:
- Cha racter va riation o f shade- no n- enduring va rieties w ere mo re evidentthan that of shade- enduring v arieties. There were least va riation of leaf shape indexand high v ariatio n o f ang le betw een petio le a nd branch. As inclicated in the resul ts ofex periment, the leaf shape was mo re stable but the ang le chang ed easily under theinfluence of envi ronment.In comparison w ith that o f mono culture, during intercro pping of soybean, theinternode leng th increased, the diameter of both internode and petiole reduced, thespecific fresh leaf weight ( F. W) and dry leaf weight ( D. W) reduced. Shade- nonenduringva rieties w ere more sig nificant tha n shade- enduring v arieties so far as thelevel of g row th w as concered. Angle of petio le, petio le leng th, leaf leng th a nd leaf width a nd a rea v aried wi th leaf la yer betw een 7th and 10th nodes of main stem. Shadenon-enduring v arieties w ere mo re sensi tiv e while shade- enduring v arieties w ere dul lo n the reactio n to w eak lig ht evi ronment.In co ntrast w ith shade - no n - enduring va rieties. Shade - enduring va rietiesperfo rm the fo llowing peculiarties: smallery and ticker leav es, leaf shape long er andnarrow er. Shorter petio te wi th smaller petiole a ng le, more co nv ergent plant type,shorter internode leng th a nd elastic main stem.
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