LI Xiao-hong,ZHANG Han-shan,QU Zhe,et al.Design and Experiment of Inside-filled Seed Metering Device for Soybean[J].Soybean Science,2021,40(04):546-552.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2021.04.0546]
- Title:
- Design and Experiment of Inside-filled Seed Metering Device for Soybean
- Keywords:
- Soybean; Seed metering device; EDEM; Single seed; Inside-filled; Bench test
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为了实现大豆单粒精密排种,从而节约种子用量,使用EDEM软件设计内充种式大豆排种器,针对5个黄淮海地区普遍种植的大豆品种,对内充种式大豆排种器的性能进行仿真试验,分析排种器工作转速对排种器的单粒率的影响,并进行台架试验验证。结果显示:仿真试验中排种器工作转速在30 r·min-1时单粒率为90.81%~95.42%。台架验证试验中排种器工作转速对单粒率有明显影响,排种器转速在30 r·min-1时,5个品种大豆种子的单粒率为89.88%~94.13%,重播率为4.75%~9.61%,漏播率为0.12%~2.04%,试验值均符合排种器的工作性能行业标准。仿真结果与台架试验结果最大误差仅为4.39%,该仿真设计可以为排种器关键零部件的优化提供理论依据。
- Abstract:
- In order to realize the purpose of saving seeds in the single-seed precision metering of soybean seeding, this research used EDEM software to take the simulation test on the inside-filled soybean seed-metering device for five soybean varieties commonly grown in the Huanghuaihai region of China. We analyzed the effect of seed-metering device working speed on the single-seed rate with simulation test and performed bench test. The result showed that the single-seed rate was 90.81%-95.42%, and the working speed of the seed metering had a significant effect on the single-seed rate. The working speed of the metering device was 30 r·min-1, all five types soybeans performed the single-seed rate, the signle-seed rate, resowing rate and omission rate were respectively 89.88%-94.13%, 4.75%-9.61% and 0.12%-2.04%. The test values were in line with the industry standards for the working performance of the seed metering device. The maximum error between the simulation results and the bench test results was only 4.39%, and the simulation design can provide a theoretical basis for the optimization of the key components of the seed metering device.
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