Zhang TaipingZu Xing taoWang JunWang ErmingXu YuangangRua n Juyao.AGRONOMY AND QUALITY CHARATER ANALYSIS OF GUIZHOUSOYBEAN VARIETIES LACKINGLIPOXYGENASE[J].Soybean Science,2000,19(02):131-139.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2000.02.0131]
- Title:
- Keywords:
- Lipo xy genase; Soy bean; Cha racter apprai sal
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 从贵州大豆品种中随机抽取144份进行脂肪氧化酶测定、豆奶加工试验和品质、农艺性状分析。结果发现了33份脂氧酶缺失品种(其中包括2份育成品种) ,占鉴定总数的22. 9% ,包括缺失Lox 2、Lox 3和Lox 2、3几种类型,以缺失Lo x 3类型较多。脂氧酶缺失的地方品种的蛋白质、脂肪含量较低,其氨基酸成分及比例与正常品种一样,而缺失的育成品种的蛋白质含量则高达47% 以上。利用强碱高温消除豆浆中的豆腥味后,正常品种豆浆中的氨基酸总量减少较多且部分氨基酸成分消失,缺失品种则减少较少且氨基酸成分全部保持。Lox 3缺失品种的脂氧酶活性与百粒重、株粒重负相关。脂氧酶缺失的育成品种有着较大的直接应用价值,而多数缺失的地方品种表现为重感病毒病和生育期太长的缺点,需进行改造才能在生产上利用。
- Abstract:
- 144 random samples o f Gui zhou so ybean 1o cal v arieties were identi fied fo rlipox yg enase ( Lo x ) , tested fo r so ybean milk and apprai sed for quality and ag ronomoicalcha racters. 33 o f tho se including 2 regi stered cultiv ars w ere lacked in Lox 2, Lox 3 andLox 2, 3. Most of them were lacked in Lox 3, which acco unted for 22. 9 per cent of totalsamples. Pro tein and oi l content o f local v arieties lacking Lo x i s low er than mormalva ri ties, and thei r amino acid compoments w ere the same a s the mo rmal’ s, but pro teincontent of o ne registered improv ed cultiv ar lacking Lo x w as more then 47 percent that ismuch hig her then the normals. Amo unt o f amino acid reduced in soy bean mi lk producedunder high alkali ( pH 11- 12) t reatment in o rder to elimina te g rass- beany f lav er, andsome amino- acids in mormal v arieties w ere di smissed. Lox activ ity o f v arieties lackingLox 3 w as nega tiv ely cor related wi th 100- seed w eigh t and sing le plant seed yield. Mosto f v arieties ca n’ t be used di rectly in productio n because they had to o lo ng g row th periodand w ere infect soy bean mosaic v irus ( SMV ) , but the registered improv ed cul tiv arslacking in Lox are promising for di rect use in production.
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