LI Guo-qing,CONG-Xin-jun,LI Guo-yu,et al.Effects of Rational Combined Application of Fertilier and Rhizobium on Soybean in Central Shandong Province[J].Soybean Science,2021,40(05):682-687.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2021.05.0682]
- Title:
- Effects of Rational Combined Application of Fertilier and Rhizobium on Soybean in Central Shandong Province
- Keywords:
- Soybean; Organic fertilizer; Compound fertilizer; Rhizobium; Agronomic traits; Yield
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为探索鲁中地区不同肥料配施根瘤菌时大豆的生长情况,本研究以该地区主栽品种齐黄34为材料,设置了6个不同有机肥与复合肥配施根瘤菌处理,研究其对大豆农艺性状及产量的影响。结果显示:株高、底荚高度均在T2(100%有机肥+根瘤菌拌种)处理下最高,主茎节数在T6(100%复合肥+根瘤菌拌种)处理下最多,而单株荚数、有效荚数、单株粒数、单株粒重和产量均在T4(50%复合肥+50%有机肥+根瘤菌拌种)处理下最高。施用有机肥与复合肥处理的大豆产量均高于不施肥对照组,有机肥与复合肥配比为1∶1时大豆产量显著提高,比单施有机肥提高2.22%,比单施复合肥提高23.37%。因此,在鲁中地区50%复合肥+50%有机肥+根瘤菌拌种为大豆生产合理肥料配比,可以促进节肥增产。
- Abstract:
- The effects of different fertilization with rhizobium treatments on agronomic traits and yield of soybean were studied,we used Qihuang 34 as the experimental material and set up six different treatments.The results showed that the plant height and poding height were the highest under T2 (100% organic fertilizer+rhizobia seed dressing) treatment,the number of main stem nodes was the highest under T6 (100% compound fertilizer + rhizobia seed dressing) treatment,and the pods number per plant,effective pods number,seeds number per plant,seeds weight per plant and yield were the highest under T4 (50% compound fertilizer + 50% organic fertilizer+rhizobia seed dressing) treatment.The yield of soybean with organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer was higher than that of the control group without fertilization.The ratio of organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer was 1∶1,which could significantly increase the yield of soybean,3.22% higher than that of organic fertilizer alone and 23.37% higher than that of compound fertilizer alone.So the treatment of 50% compound fertilizer +50% organic fertilizer + rhizobia can provide a basis rational fertilization,and increase the yield of the soybean in central Shandong Province.
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