LIN Zhi-wei,XIAO Cui-hong,BAI Xin-yu,et al.Effects of DQ-N Strain on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Soybean[J].Soybean Science,2021,40(05):676-681.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2021.05.0676]
- Title:
- Effects of DQ-N Strain on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Soybean
- Keywords:
- Phosphate solubilizing bacteria DQ-N strain; Soybean; Seed germination; Seeedling stage; Antioxidant enzymes
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为研究解磷菌株DQ-N在大豆栽培上的应用潜力,以不同浓度DQ-N菌株发酵液浸种处理后,测定大豆萌发率、胚芽长及胚根长,并在田间小区试验中施用菌液处理,比较DQ-N菌株发酵液处理后大豆苗期根系发育及根部和叶片的抗氧化酶活性的变化。结果表明:DQ-N菌株发酵液与水体积比为1∶30和1∶40时对大豆种子萌发率及胚根生长无影响,但可促进胚轴的伸长,而发酵液与水体积比较低时对种子萌发不利;田间施用菌液处理的大豆苗期根系的干重、根长、根尖数及根表面积等均显著高于对照组,且对大豆植株根部和叶片的相关抗氧化酶活性影响存在差异,其中菌液处理大豆苗根部的POD活性较培养基与水对照处理分别增加30%和35%,SOD活性则分别增加了25%和26%,但对叶部酶活性变化影响不显著。综上结果表明DQ-N菌株发酵液可以有效促进大豆根的抗逆能力。
- Abstract:
- In order to study the application potential of phosphate-solubilizing strain DQ-N in soybean cultivation,the effects of different concentrations of DQ-N strain fermentation on seed germination were determined by seed soaking treatment,the changes of root growth and the activities of antioxidant enzymes in roots and leaves of soybean seedlings treated with DQ-N fermentation in field plot experiment were compared.The results showed that when the ratio of DQ-N fermentation to water was 1∶30 and 1∶40,the germination rate and radicle growth of soybean seeds were not affected,but the elongation of hypocotyl was promoted.The low ratio of fermentation to water was unfavorable to seed germination.The root dry weight,root length,root tip number and root surface area of soybean seedlings treated with DQ-N fermentation were significantly higher than those of control group,and the effects on the activities of antioxidant enzymes in roots and leaves of soybean were not the same.The activities of POD and SOD in roots were increased by 30%,35% and 25%,26% respecctively compared with those in the medium and water control,but the changes of enzyme activities in leaves were not significant.The results indicated that DQ-N fermentation could effectively promote the stress resistance of soybean root.
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