WANG Wei-jie,CHAI Wen-jing,YANG Wen-jiao,et al.Bioinformatics Analysis of Nodulin Family Proteins in Soybean[J].Soybean Science,2018,37(01):39-44.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2018.01.0039]
- Title:
- Bioinformatics Analysis of Nodulin Family Proteins in Soybean
- Keywords:
- Soybean; Nodulin protien; Motif; Phylogenetic analysis
- 分类号:
- S565.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为研究大豆Nodulin家族蛋白特性,在数据库UniprotKB中下载大豆Nodulin蛋白序列,利用NCBI的BLAST程序进行同源序列比对筛选和Pfam数据库综合分析,确定14个大豆Nodulin家族蛋白,通过生物信息学方法对14个家族蛋白的基本理化性质、跨膜区域、模体、系统发育和蛋白结构等进行分析。结果显示:14条蛋白序列氨基酸数为72~116、理论等电点为9.94~11.59、分子质量为7 408.70~12 465.55、脂肪系数为85.94~114.12,除K7KNK4没有跨膜区外,其余13条Nodulin蛋白均有1~2跨膜区。二级结构主要由α螺旋和无规则卷曲组成,13个模体中模体1、模体2、模体3和模体4保守性强,系统发育进化树由6个分枝组成,分枝Ⅵ的A0A0B2P3C8、I1MWA0三维结构预测结果也相似。
- Abstract:
- The nodulin protein sequence was downloaded from the database UniprotKB, and 14 nodulin family members were identified by BLAST search in the NCBI database. The basic physicochemical properties, gene structure, protein structure and phylogenetic tree were analyzed by bioinformatics tools. The bioinfoematics analysis indicated fourteen nodulin proteins vary in composition animo acid(72 and 116), isoionic point(94 and 11.59), molecular weight(5 898.87 and 12 465.55), and the fat coefficient(85.94 and 114.12), transmembrane regions(1 and 2) except K7KNK4. The secondary protein structures were mainly composed of α helix and irregular curl. Motifs(1 to 4) were more conserved among 14 motifs, phylogenetic tree constructed by mega 8 were divided into 6 protein groups, A0A0B2P3C8 and I1MWA0 in group Ⅵ also shared the similar three demesional structures.
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