LIN Zailong,WEI Yunshan,ZHOU Xuechao,et al.Application Analysis and Evaluation of Soybean Varieties with Different Maturity Group in Inner Mongolia[J].Soybean Science,2017,36(02):174-179.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2017.02.0174]
- Title:
- Application Analysis and Evaluation of Soybean Varieties with Different Maturity Group in Inner Mongolia
- Keywords:
- Soybean; Planting dates; Density; Yield
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为明确内蒙古2 500℃以上有效积温区不同播期适宜种植的大豆品种及种植密度,本文以MG000、MG00、MG0、MGⅠ生育期组大豆品种为试验材料,开展不同播期、密度试验,通过产量特征分析,确定各生育期组品种的适宜播种期及种植密度。结果表明:MG000组品种适宜作救灾播种品种,适宜生育日数为85~90d,最佳种植密度在24万~30万株?hm-2,叶面积指数范围为2.0~2.2;MG00和MG0组品种适宜晚播,适宜生育日数为90~100 d,最佳种植密度24万~30万株?h-2,叶面积指数范围分别为2.3~2.7、2.8~3.1;MGⅠ组品种种植应适时晚播,适宜生育日数为100~110 d,最佳种植密度21万~24万株?hm-2,叶面积指数范围为3.0~3.3。
- Abstract:
- To clarify suitable soybean varieties and planting density of different planting dates under effective accumulated temperature above 2 500℃ in Inner Mongolia In this paper, MG000, MG00, MG0 and MGⅠ Maturity Group soybean varieties were taken as materials to carry out different planting date and density test, through yield characteristic analysis, determined the appropriate scope of planting date and planting density of each maturity group soybean varieties The results showed that: The soybean varieties of MG000 suitable for disaster relief, growth days was 85-90 d, the best planting density was 240 000-300 000 plants?ha-1, appropriate leaf area index range were 2.0-2.2; growth days range of MG00 and MG0 was 90-100 d, suitable for late sowing, the best planting density was 240 000-300 000 plants?ha-1, appropriate leaf area index range were 2.3-2.7, 2.8-3.1, respectively; the soybean varieties of MGⅠshould be timely late sowing, suitable growth days range of MG was 100-110 d, the best planting density was 210 000-240 000?ha-1, appropriate leaf area index range were 3.0-3.3
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