LI Kai,REN Rui,WANG Tao,et al.Genetic Analysis and Mapping of Soybean Mosaic Virus Resistance Genes to SC18 in Soybean[J].Soybean Science,2017,36(02):187-193.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2017.02.0187]
- Title:
- Genetic Analysis and Mapping of Soybean Mosaic Virus Resistance Genes to SC18 in Soybean
- 关键词:
- 大豆; 大豆花叶病毒(SMV); 遗传分析; 基因定位
- Keywords:
- Soybean; Soybean mosaic virus; Genetic analysis; Gene mapping
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 大豆花叶病毒(soybean mosaic virus,SMV)病是我国大豆生产上的一种主要病毒病害,SMV株系SC18是我国东北和南方两大产区的优势株系,在黄淮大豆产区亦零星发生。本研究对5个抗×感杂交组合衍生后代分离群体接种SC18后,发现各组合F1均抗病,F2表现3∶1(抗∶感)分离比,F2∶3表现1∶2∶1(抗∶分离∶感)的分离比,表明5个抗病亲本(中作00683、滨豆9520、东大2号、中品661和RN9)对SC18的抗性由一对显性基因控制。抗×抗杂交组合 “中作00683×东大2号”衍生后代分离群体接种SC18,F2出现15∶1(抗∶感)的分离比,表明中作00683与东大2号可能各携带一对显性基因,控制对SC18的抗性,且独立遗传;抗×抗杂交组合“中作00683×滨豆9520” 的F1、F2和F2∶3在接种SC18后均未检测出感病株,表明中作00683与滨豆9520所携带的对SC18的抗性基因是等位的。利用RN9×7605重组自交家系将RN9对SC18的抗病基因Rsc18定位到大豆6号染色体(C2连锁群)SSR标记Satt286和Satt277之间,遗传距离为612和469 cM。
- Abstract:
- Soybean mosaic virus(SMV) disease is a major soybean disease in soybean production in China, and SMV strain SC18 is one of the most popular strain in soybean producing regions of southern and northeastern China, and it is also coming up in Huanghuai valleys In this study, progenies derived from the resistance (R)soybean cultivar × susceptible (S) soybean cultivar were inoculated with SC18, all F1plants were resistant to SC18, the segregation of R and S individuals fitted a 3∶1ratio in the F2population, and fitted a 1∶2∶ratio in the segregation of resistant, segregating and susceptible in the F2∶3 lines, the results suggested that all the 5 resistance parents Zhongzuo 00683, Bindou 9520, Dongda 2, Zhongpin 661 and RN9 possess one dominant resistance gene to SC18The segregation pattern of F2 individuals from the resistance (R) soybean cultivar ×resistance (R) soybean cultivar ‘Zhongzuo 00683 ×Dongda 2’fitted a 15R∶1S ratio, support the hypothesis that two possible independent dominant genes confer resistance to SC18 in Zhongzuo 00683 and Dongda 2 And all F1, F2, and F2∶3progenies derived from R×R cross ‘Zhongzuo 00683 × Bindou 9520’were resistant to SC18, showed that SC18 resistance genes in Zhongzuo 00683 and Bindou 9520 are allelic Further, the SC18 resistance gene in RN9 (designated Rsc18) was mapped on soybean chromosome 6 (linkage group C2) between the two SSR markers Satt286 and Satt277 Using RN9×7605 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), with the genetic distance 612and 469 cM, respectively
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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(31671718,31571690);中央高校基本科研业务费(Y0201600115);现代农业产业技术体系(CARS04);转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项(2016ZX08004004);江苏省现代作物生产协同创新中心(JCIC-MCP)。