HAN Ying-peng,SUN Ming-ming,LIU Hao-fei,et al.Perform Stability of Linolenic Acid Content of Soybean Recombinant Intercross Line Evaluated by GGE Biplot[J].Soybean Science,2014,33(05):776-778.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2014.05.0776]
- Title:
- Perform Stability of Linolenic Acid Content of Soybean Recombinant Intercross Line Evaluated by GGE Biplot
- 文章编号:
- 1000-9841.2014.05.0776
- Keywords:
- Soybean; Linolenic acid; Stability; GGE biplot
- 分类号:
- S565.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 亚麻酸是大豆油中不良气味的主要来源之一,并且与大豆油品质密切相关,本研究对东农L-5与合丰25杂交以后产生的重组自交后代的亚麻酸含量的稳定性进行了研究。结果表明:环境变异为总变异的35%左右,而基因型变异占总变异的60%左右,环境与基因型互作占总变异的5%左右。通过GGE双标图方法有效地筛选了重组自交系中的亚麻酸表现最稳定的基因型,并且发现3个测试环境是高度相关的。基因型的环境适应性分析表明:后代家系P63在2007、2008年和P25在2009年哈尔滨的环境条件下具有最稳定的表现。
- Abstract:
- Linolenic acid(LN)in soybean seed mainly contributes to the undesirable odors and flavors commonly associated with poor oil quality.The aim of this study was to evaluate perform stability of a recombinant intercross line(RIL)derived from ‘Hefeng 25’ and ‘Dongnong L-5’.Location attributed higher proportion of the variation in the data(35%),while genotype contributed to 60% of total variation.Genotype×location interaction contributed only 5% of total variation.We could identify superior genotype for LN content ?via GGE biplot graphical approach effectively.Tested locations were highly correlated.‘Which-won-where’ study partitioned the tested locations into three environments,the result showed that P63 and P25 were super genotypes for Harbin in 2007 and 2008,and Harbin in 2009,respectively.
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Foundation:Young Academic Backbone Support Plan in General University of Heilongjiang Province(1252G014).