XIE Fu-ti,JIANG Yan-jie,ZHANG Hui-jun,et al.Effect of Space Mutageneis on Long Floral Axis and Short Pod-Branch of Soybeans[J].Soybean Science,2009,28(06):964-969.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2009.06.964]
- Title:
- Effect of Space Mutageneis on Long Floral Axis and Short Pod-Branch of Soybeans
- 文章编号:
- 1000-9841(2009)06-0964-06
- Keywords:
- Soybean; Space mutation; Trait variation; Long floral axis; Short pod-branch
- 分类号:
- S565.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 对大豆品种沈农6号和沈农8号经实践八号育种卫星搭载空间诱变的SP1代和SP2代的主要农艺性状进行研究。结果表明:沈农6号和沈农8号大部分变异株系主要农艺性状均表现明显的变异,既有正向变异也有负向变异,说明空间环境对供试大豆品种的农艺性状变异作用明显。结果表明:经空间诱变后大豆长花序长度、总荚数、总粒重都有所增加;大豆短果枝数与地面对照相比较虽然变化不大,但2个品种短果枝总荚数、总粒重都有所增加。说明经过空间诱变作用大豆长花序、短果枝性状发生了一定程度的变异。
- Abstract:
- SP1 and SP2 generations of soybean cultivars Shennong 6 and Shennong 8 treated by the space mutation breeding satellite were used to study the mutation of agronomic traits.The results showed that most of the main agronomic traits of strains had significant variations,some were positive and some were negative,which implied that there was a effect of space mutation on the agronomic traits of given soybean cultivars.There were some increments in the length,total pods and grain weight of long floral axis in both cultivars.No significant mutation of short pod-branch number was found,however,a increasing trend existed in the total pods and grain weight of short pod-branch.
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