Luo Qingyun Liu Youliang Zhang Yuanming Xue Yanling Zhang Yan.INHERITANCEOF Cl-TOLERANCEOF GLYCINE MAX CULTIVARS IN SEEDLINGS[J].Soybean Science,2006,25(04):390-394.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2006.04.0390]
苗期栽培大豆 Cl- 耐性的遗传分析*
- Title:
- 关键词:
- 栽培大豆; Cl- 耐性 ; 遗传 ; 主基因 +多基因遗传模型; 多世代联合分离分析
- Keywords:
- Soybean cultivars; Cl-tolerance; Inheritance; Mixed major gene and polygene inheritancemodel ; Joint segregation analysis of multiple generations
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- NaCl 胁迫下栽培大豆所受的离子胁迫作用主要是由 Cl- 毒害所引起的, 可以通过改良栽培大豆的 Cl- 敏感性来提高栽培大豆的耐盐性。本研究对栽培大豆品种南农 1138-2、南农 88-31 和Jackson 间配制的2 个杂交组合的P 1 、P 2 、F 1 、F 2 和 F 2∶3 世代的 Cl- 耐性进行了调查 ,并利用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型联合分离分析方法分析栽培大豆的 Cl- 耐性遗传规律。结果表明 ,南农 88-31×Jackson 和南农 1138-2 ×南农 88-31 的 Cl- 耐性遗传都符合 D-0 模型, 即上述两组合的 Cl - 耐性都受 1对加性-显性主基因控制, 同时也受加性-显性-上位性多基因控制。南农 88-31×Jackson组合的主基因和多基因加性效应都高于南农 1138-2×南农 88-31 组合。但是, 其主基因和多基因显性效应远低于南农 1138-2 ×南农 88-31 组合。从 F 2∶3 估计的主基因遗传力分别为 0.54%和18.23%,估计的微效基因遗传力分别为 83 .56%和 16.32%。表明 ,可以利用 Cl- 耐性强的大豆亲本配制杂交组合 ,并且在育种的早期阶段选育 Cl- 耐性强的单株或家系 ,以获得耐盐性高的栽培大豆品种。
- Abstract:
- Stress of NaCl on seedlings of soybean cultivars was mainly coursed by Cl-, and we oulel im-prove salt tolerance of soybean cultivars by amelioration of the Cl-sensitive of cultivars.Inheritance ofCl - tolerance in P 1 、P 2 、F 1 、F 2 and F 2∶3 from two crosses of Nannong 88-31×Jackson and Nannong 1138-2×Nannong 88-31 were investigated by the mixed major gene plus poly-gene inheritance model of quantita-tive traits.The joint analyses results showed that the Cl-tolerance of this two crosses were both con-trolled by a major gene and minor genes (the D-0 model).And the values of additive effect of the majorgene and the minor genes of Nannong 88-31×Jackson were higher than those of Nannong 1138-2 ×Nan-nong 88-31, but the values of dominance effects of the major gene and the minor ones of Nannong 88-31×Jackson were lower than those of the latter crosse .In F 2∶3 from cross of Nannong 88-31 × Jackson andNannong 1138-2 ×Nannong 88-31, the heritability values of the major gene were estimated as 0 .54%and18.23%, respectively .And those of the minor genes were estimated as 83.56 %and 16.32%, respective-ly .Thus, it was possible for us to breed Cl-tolerant soybean cultivars by choosing Cl-tolerant parentsand handling segregating generation.
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