Li YanhuaWei BaoguoLi GuiquanWang Fang.A CYTOLOGICAL OBSERVATION OF THE PHOTOPERIOD-SENSITIVE MALESTERILE 88 -428BY OF THE SOYBEAN[J].Soybean Science,2004,23(01):6-10.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2004.01.0006]
大豆光敏雄性不育系88 -428BY 花粉败育的细胞学观察
- Title:
- 文章编号:
- 1000 -9841(2004)01 -0006 -05
- Keywords:
- Soybean ; Photoperiod -sensi tive male sterile line ; Pollen ; Abortion
- 分类号:
- S 334.5
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以长日照条件下雄性可育株88 -428 为对照, 对其短日照条件下雄性不育株88 -428BY 小孢子发育全过程进行观察。结果发现:(1)88 -428BY 有三个败育时期, 单核小孢子中期为败育的关键时期。一是减数分裂期, 在双线期后期出现严重的配对松弛现象, 细胞异常率达99 %;而在减数分裂其它各时期不正常比率较少, 仅为2 %-6 %。整个减数分裂期约导致近9 %的花粉母细胞败育;二是单核小孢子中期, 出现花粉细胞质稀薄式解体、药壁组织提前加厚、药壁层次不清的败育现象, 此期败育的花粉达89 .3 %;三是二胞花粉晚期, 无淀粉或淀粉积累不完全, 导致近10 %的花粉败育。(2)败育度, 细胞学上败育率达100 %, 因为笔者所采的花蕾均在第五节位以上, 此与形态学上第五节位上无荚果形成是一致的。
- Abstract:
The 88 -428BY is found by Wei Baoguo ,w hich is a photoperiod -sensitive male -sterile soybean .Under the articial illuminat ion , the pollens appear to be sterile in lig ht t reatment of 12 .0h/d for 20d ;to be fertilein the t reatment of 15 .0h/d .Comparative studies of the development of pollens of the sterile and fert ile plant sshow there are three breakdow n stages :⑴At the meiotic division of the pollen mother cell , the 99 %of them show the abnormal synapsis , 9 %of thepollen mo ther cells show abo rted .⑵Middle microspore stage ,which is the key sterile stage , 89 .3 %of the pollens show abnormal.⑶The late bicellular pollen stage , 10 % of the pollens show aborted.
1 Kaul , M .L .H .Male S teri li ty in Higher Plant s[ M] .Berlin , S pringer-Verlag , 1988 :PP .1 -3.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(39970461)、国家863 优质超高产农作物新品种选育项目(2001AA241071)和国家863 重大专项(2002AA207007)资助。