HE Shi-min,WANG Jian-hua,BAI Zhen-ming,et al.Effect of H2O2Seed Soaking on Physiological and Biochemical Characters of Soybean Germinating[J].Soybean Science,2008,27(01):176-180.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2008.01.0176]
- Title:
- Effect of H2O2Seed Soaking on Physiological and Biochemical Characters of Soybean Germinating
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为探明过氧化氢浸种对大豆种子萌发的影响,测定了过氧化氢浸种的大豆种子萌发期POD、SOD、PPO酶活性,电解质外渗率和种子发芽情况,旨在探讨提高种子活力的途径。结果表明,过氧化氢浸种可以提高大豆种子的活力和相关酶的活性。0.1%过氧化氢处理明显提高种子发芽率、活力指数和POD、SOD活性;0.01%处理明显提高种子的电解质外渗率和PPO活性。
- Abstract:
- Abstract: To elucidate the effect of H2O2seeds soaking on soybean seeds germinating,This paper tested peroxydase(POD) and polyphone oxidase(PPO)and superoxide dismutase(SOD)activity of soybean seeds soaked with H2O2through colorimetric and oxidize-self method.At the same time tested electrolyte oozing rate and seeds germinating situation.The results showed that seeds soaked with H2O2could increase seeds vigour and relative enzymatic activity obviously.The treatment of 0.1% H2O2could increase germinating rate and vigor index and POD、SOD activity.The treatment of 0.01% H2O2could increase the electrolyte oozing rate and polyphenol oxidase activity of seeds.Therefore,H2O2of proper concentration could raise soybean seeds activity and electrolyte oozing rate and relative enzymatic activity.
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