LAN Jia-wei,WANG Fu-lin,SONG Ying-ying.Effects of Planting Patterns on Agronomic Traits and Yield of Soybean[J].Soybean Science,2020,39(04):564-570.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2020.04.0564]
- Title:
- Effects of Planting Patterns on Agronomic Traits and Yield of Soybean
- Keywords:
- Soybean; Planting patterns; Growth traits; Yield components
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为研究不同种植模式对大豆生长发育和产量的影响,以黑河43为材料,于2019年在黑龙江省大西江农场进行大豆种植模式大区对比试验。共设计7种种植模式,对不同种植模式下的大豆叶面积指数、农艺性状和产量构成进行分析。结果表明:垄上四行不等行距模式产量最高,为3 414.65 kg·hm-2,其次是大垄种小垄管模式,为3 384.82 kg?hm-2,比试验农场采用的垄上三行种植模式分别提高了7.6%和6.7%,不同种植模式间产量差异显著。垄上四行等行距种植模式结荚期叶面积指数最高,为2.87,与其它模式差异显著。垄上四行不等行距模式的大豆株高和底荚高均最高分别为67.2和16.85 cm。垄上三行模式植株最粗,为5.22 cm,单株粒数最多,为52.06,但百粒重在所有模式中最低,为18.63 g。大垄种小垄管种植模式收获株数最多,达到35.7株·m-3,常规种植模式百粒重最高,为19.85 g,其它指标均处于中等水平。相关分析显示,大豆产量与茎粗、单株荚数、单株粒数、单株粒重呈极显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.464、0.762、0.750和0.970。垄上四行不等行距种植模式产量最高,其它指标也有良好表现,综合来看,垄上四行种植模式是较为理想的高产模式。
- Abstract:
- In order to study the effects of planting patterns on growth and yield of soybean, the field comparative experiment was conducted at Daxijiang Farm in Heilongjiang province in 2019 .Seven planting patterns were designed to analyze the leaf area index, agronomic traits and yield components of soybean.The results showed that the yield of the four rows with unequal-row spacing on ridge pattern was the highest as 3 414.65 kg?ha-1, followed was the wide ridge sowing and small ridge management pattern as 3 384.82 kg?ha-1. Compared with the three rows on ridge planting pattern used in the experimental farm, the yield were increased by 7.6% and 6.7% respectively. There were significant difference among planting patterns in soybean yield. The leaf area index of the four rows with equal row spacing was the highest as 2.87, which was significantly different from other planting patterns. The four rows with unequal-row spacing pattern had the highest plant height as 67.2 cm, and the podding height was also the highest as 16.85 cm. The three rows on ridge pattern had the thickest plant as 5.22 cm and the largest number of seeds per plant as 52.06, but the lowest 100-seed weight as 18.63 g of all planting patterns. The wide ridge sowing and small ridge management pattern had the largest number of harvested plants, reaching 35.7 plants?m-3. The conventional planting pattern had the highest 100-seed weight of 19.85 g, and other indicators were at medium levels. Correlation analyses indicated that soybean yield was highly significant correlated with stem diameter, pods per plant, seeds per plant and seed weight per plant, with correlation coefficients of 0.464,0.762,0.750 and 0.970, respectively. The four rows with unequal-row spacing pattern was an ideal high-yield pattern, with the highest yield, and the other indicators also perform well.
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