TENG Fei,LI Sheng-you,AO De-min,et al.Effects of Super-High-Yield Soybean Cultivars as Rootstocks on AgronomicTraits of Cultivars Releaseds in Different Decades[J].Soybean Science,2016,35(03):418-422.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2016.03.0418]
- Title:
- Effects of Super-High-Yield Soybean Cultivars as Rootstocks on AgronomicTraits of Cultivars Releaseds in Different Decades
- Keywords:
- Soybean; Grafting; Agronomic traits; Super-high-yield cultivars; Yield; Genetic improvement
- 分类号:
- S565. 1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以超高产大豆品种为砧木嫁接不同年代育成品种,旨在明确超高产品种砧木对农艺性状的影响,从而揭示根系改良在大豆育种中的重要作用。以来自相同的祖先亲本( Williams 和Amsoy) 且地理纬度相同的美国俄亥俄州和中国辽宁省不同年代育成的代表性大豆品种为接穗,分别与超高产大豆品种辽豆14 和中黄35 进行嫁接,成熟期测定植株农艺性状。结果表明: 嫁接处理对大豆品种的农艺性状存在显著影响。自身嫁接的植株与不嫁接植株相比,其农艺性状没有显著变化。与品种自身作砧木的植株相比,嫁接到超高产品种辽豆14 或中黄35 砧木上时,不同年代育成品种的株高、主茎节数、分枝数等性状没有显著变化,但单株荚数、百粒重、粒茎比和单株粒重会显著提高。其中,与品种自身作砧木的植株相比,嫁接到超高产品种砧木上,共同亲本、俄亥俄中期、辽宁中期、俄亥俄当代、辽宁当代的大豆品种单株产量分别提高了4. 5%、6. 9%、9. 4%、15. 7%、19. 9%。由此说明,根系改良会带来大豆品种产量的大幅度提高。
- Abstract:
- The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of super-high-yield soybean cultivars as rootstocks on agronomictraits of cultivars released in different decades,thus to reveal the important role of root improvement in soybean breeding.The cultivars,released in different decades by Liaoning,China and Ohio,USA,having the common ancestors Amsoyand Williams,were used to graft onto the rootstocks of super-high-yield cultivars Liaodou 14 and Zhonghuang 35,respectively.After harvest,the agronomic traits were determined. The results showed that there was significant effect of grafting treatmenton agronomic traits. And there was no significant change of agronomic traits between the self-grafting and non-graftingtreatments. Compared with self-grafting treatment,grafting cultivars onto the rootstocks super-high-yield cultivars Liaodou 14or Zhonghuang 35 had no significant change of plant height,stem node or branches number,but showed increased pods perplant,100-seed weight,seed-stem ratio and seeds weight per plant. Compared with the self-grafted rootstocks,grafting cultivarsonto the rootstocks super-high-yield cultivars,the seed weight per plant of common parent,Ohio middle,Liaoning middle,Ohio current and Liaoning current cultivars were improved by 4. 47%,6. 89%,9. 35%,15. 65% and 19. 85%,respectively.These indicated that the improvement of root system could lead to a significantly increased of soybean yield.
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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 31171570) 。