SHI Shu-sen,CUI Juan,XU Wei,et al.Effects of Temperature on Growth and Development of Sitochroa verticalis Eggs and Larvae[J].Soybean Science,2015,34(01):108-111.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2015.01.0108]
- Title:
- Effects of Temperature on Growth and Development of Sitochroa verticalis Eggs and Larvae
- Keywords:
- Soybean; Sitochroa verticalis; Developmental duration; Developmental threshold temperature; Effective accumulated temperature
- 分类号:
- S433.4
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为探讨尖锥额野螟卵和幼虫生长发育和温度之间的关系,在室内利用人工气候箱,分别对17,21,25,29,33℃条件下卵及各龄幼虫的发育历期、发育速率、发育起点温度和有效积温及幼虫存活率进行了研究。结果表明:尖锥额野螟在17~33℃的温度范围内,卵及各龄幼虫的发育历期均随温度的升高而缩短,发育速率随温度升高而加快,采用线性回归模型和Logistic模型对卵及各龄幼虫的发育速率进行模拟分析,两种模型均能较好地反映出环境温度与卵及各龄幼虫发育速度的关系。温度对尖锥额野螟各龄幼虫存活率有一定影响,33℃高温下其存活率显著低于其他温度处理,不利于尖锥额野螟幼虫的生长发育。综合各温度下幼虫发育历期和存活率,其适宜环境温度应为25~29℃。尖锥额野螟卵的发育起点温度为9.82℃,有效积温为63.54℃?d,幼虫的发育起点温度为8.89℃,有效积温为276.50℃?d。
- Abstract:
- In order to research the relationships between temperature and development of Sitochroa verticalis, the developmental duration, development rate, developmental threshold temperature, effective accumulative temperature and survival rate of S.verticalis were studied at five constant temperatures (17, 21, 25, 29, 33℃) in artificial climate boxes.The results showed that egg and larvae could grow normally in the temperature range from 17℃ to 33℃ and their developmental duration reduced with increasing temperatures.The relationship between temperature and development rate of the egg and larvae was simulated by both the Linear Day Degree model and the Logistic model.The results showed that both of the models could well reflect the relationship.Temperature also had significant effects on the survival rate of larvae.33℃ temperature went against larvae growth and development and led to lower survival rate of larva than other temperature treatments.From those results, it could conclud that temperature had great effect on the development of S.verticalis, and the most suitable temperature range for the pest was 25-29℃, during which the intrinsic increase rate was higher.The developmental threshold temperature and the effective accumulated temperature was 9.82℃,63.54℃?d for eggs and 8.89℃, 276.50℃?d for larvae.
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