Qi Yongyan Arnaud Bovy Ric de Vos Tang Yixiong.EFFECTS OF EXOGENOUS JASMONIC ACID ON THE ACCUMULATIONOF GLYCEOLLINS AND GLYCINOLLN GLYCINE MAX [ L.] MERRI.[J].Soybean Science,2005,24(04):269-274.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2005.04.0269]
外源茉莉酸对大豆中异戊烯黄酮 Glyceollins 及其前体 Glycinol 累积的影响*
- Title:
- Keywords:
- Glycine max [ L. ] Merri ; Cotyledons; Jasmonic acid; Glyceollins; Glycinol; High press liq-uid chromatography (HPLC)
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- \以中黄 13 号大豆种子为材料 ,取生长 8 天的健康子叶, 在其表面挖出约2 ×2mm 的伤口,将50μl 不同浓度的茉莉酸溶液和 1mM 的硝酸银溶液滴在伤口处 ,黑暗中(25℃)保温不同时间后取样,经甲醇提取, 用高压液相色谱(HPLC)测定其中异戊烯化异黄酮 glyceollins 及其前体 glycinol的累积情况 。结果显示, 健康子叶中没有 glyceollins 和 glycinol 的累积, 1mM 硝酸银比茉莉酸具有更强的诱导 glyceollins 和 glycinol 累积的能力 ,glyceollins 的累积与茉莉酸浓度呈负相关。在各种处理中, glyceollin Ⅰ 、Ⅱ 、Ⅲ所占比例分别为:50%~ 80%、10%~ 40 %和 10%~ 20%, 但是glyceollin 三种异构体的比例随保温时间的延长而有所变化,glyceollin Ⅰ比例逐渐下降, glyceollinⅡ所占比例逐渐升高 ,在 1mM 硝酸银处理的子叶中表现更为明显。
- Abstract:
- Health cotyledons were detached from 8 - day - old soybean seedlings (Zhonghuang No. 13). Asection of tissue , approximately 2×2mm was cut from the concave surface. 50μl jasmonic acid or silver ni-trate solution was dripped into the wound and incubation in the dark at 25℃. Glyceollins and glycinol wereextracted by methanol and analyzed by HPLC. The results show that there is no accumulation of glyceol-lins and glycinol in health cotyledons. Silver nitrate acts much stronger than jasmonic acid to induce the ac-cumulation of glyceollins and glycinol. The accumulation of glyceollins is in inverse proportion to the con-centration of jasmonic acid. The percent of 3 glyceollin isomer is 50 %~ 80%, 10%~ 40%and 10%~ 20%for glyceollin I, II and III, respectively. During the incubation, the ratio of glyceollin I decreases and thatof glyceollin II increases. It can be obviously observed in samples treated by silver nitrate.
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项目资助:荷兰瓦赫宁根大学“交叉研究和教育基金”项目, 项目名称:植物雌激素- 有健康保护作用的植物次生代谢物─植物中黄酮异戊烯转移酶基因的分离。