Sun GuihuangSo ng ShuhongLiu Xiao liDo ng Li jieSun EnyuZhang LiChen Yanqiu.STUDY ON ALTERATION OF MAIN AGRONOMIC CHARACTERSRELEASED SOYBEAN VARIETIES IN LIAONING[J].Soybean Science,2001,20(01):30-34.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2001.01.0030]
- Title:
- 文章编号:
- 1000- 9841( 2001) 01- 0030- 05
- Keywords:
- Soy bean; Renew ed varieties; Genetic improv ement
- 分类号:
- S565. 03
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 本文研究了建国以来辽宁省大豆更替品种主要农艺性状的遗传改进及主要农艺性状与更替品种产量的关系。总的趋势是13个性状中除了分枝数以外其余性状均有不同程度的增长,其中三粒荚数、分枝荚数、单株粒重、粒茎比、株高及主茎节数的增长量较大,生育期变化量最小。相关与通径分析结果表明,单株粒重与单株荚数、主茎荚数、分枝荚数、百粒重和粒茎比有直接相关效应。单株荚数对单株产量的直接效应最大,是影响单株产量的主要因子。
- Abstract:
- The rela tionships betw een main ag ronomic characters a nd seed yield per plant of soy bean renewedreleased va rieties in Liao ning since the establishment of new China was studied. The general tendencyshow ed that amo ng 13 cha racters besides No. of branches all increased in di fferent lev el s. Pods of 3- seed, pods on bra nches, seed weight per pla nt , seed / stem ratio , plant height a nd nodes of main stem increasedsig nificant ly, and day s f rom emerg ency to maturity had only few increased. Genetic va riations indicatedthat pods of 3- seed, No. of branches and seed weight per plant w ere more sensitiv e to envi ronment.Co rrelatio n a nalyses showed that there exist direct correlativ e ef fects betw een seed weight per plantand pods per plant, pods of main stem, po ds on branches, 100- seed weight and seed /stem ratio. Pathanalyses show ed clearly tha t pods per plant had largest di rect effect s o n seed w eig ht per plant a nd w as themain facto r of ef fecting seed yield per pla nt.
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作者简介: 孙贵荒( 1958- ) ,男,研究员,从事大豆遗传育种研究工作。