Han LimeiWang ShuqiJu HuiyanYan FeiLi GuoquanLiu JinpingYa n Jichang.IDENTIFITION AND STUDY ON ALLELOPATHY OFSOYBEAN ROOT EXUDATES[J].Soybean Science,2000,19(02):119-125.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2000.02.0119]
- Title:
- Keywords:
- Soy bean; Root ex udates; GC- M S; Allelo pathy
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 采用GC- M S分析法,鉴定了由水培试验方法获得的2周、8周大豆根分泌物的二氯甲烷提取物,并对其化感作用进行了初步研究。结果表明: 能被二氯甲烷提取出来的根分泌物有有机酸类、醇类、酯类、酮类、醛类、酚类、苯类、烃类等有机化合物,其中包含一些资料报道过的化感物质。与对照比较, 2周、8周大豆根分泌物对大豆种子萌发、8周根分泌物对胚根生长未表现出显著抑制作用,但2周根分泌物对胚根生长却表现出极显著的化感抑制作用。上述结果表明,大豆根分泌物中存在化感物质,2周与8周大豆根分泌物的种类和数量有所不同。本文还探讨了大豆根分泌物的化感作用及大豆根分泌物与大豆连作障碍的关系等问题。
- Abstract:
- Compounds ex t racted wi th dichlo romethane f rom soy bean roo t ex udates fo rtw o w eeks, eight w eeks in wa ter- culture w ere identified a nd allelopathy w ere studiedby GC- MS analysi s. The resul ts show ed that: The soybea n roo t ex udates ex t ractedw ith dichloromethane included o rg anic acide, alcoho l, ester , acetone, aldehyde,phenol , pheyl , hydrocarbo n and so o n. Ma ny of which w ere repo rted asallelochemicale. Co nt rast w ith co nt ro l, the inf luence o f the soy bean roo t exudates fo rtw o w eeks, eight w eeks o n the germinatio n of soybea n seeds, for eig ht w eeks o n radicleg row th did no t show sig nificant al lelo pathy inhibi tio n. But the allelopa thy o f thesoybean roo t ex uda tes fo r tw o weeks o n soy bean radicle g row th show ed sig ni ficantinhibi tio n. The resul ts show ed that the al lelochemicals exist in the soy bean ro otex udates. Th e v arieties a nd quanti ties of soybea n root ex udates for tw o w eeks aredi fferent wi th tho se for eight w eeks. In addition, the alleleo pathy o f so ybean ro otex udates and the relatio nship betw een soybea n roo t exuda tes and ba rrier o n so ybeancontinuous and alternate cro pping w ere discussed.
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