Ge XiuxiuYa ng Guiro ngTian Yuw enYang Qingkai.MEAN PERFORMANCE AND GENETIC VARIATION OF AGRONOMIC TRAITSIN CROSSES OF DIFFERENT PARENTAL NUMBERS OF SOYBEANS[J].Soybean Science,2000,19(02):105-110.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2000.02.0105]
- Title:
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- A
- 摘要:
- 1991- 1996年以43个综合表现良好的亲本配制的二交、四交、八交、十六交组合为材料,比较了组合后代农艺性状的平均数和变异性表现及选择效果,以探讨不同亲本数杂交对后代的遗传变异的影响。试验结果表明: 亲本数较多的杂交组合后代性状的变异性大于亲本数较少的杂交组合后代相应性状的变异性。这说明,增加杂交组合的亲本数有增加后代变异的趋势。遗传相对简单的性状这种趋势越明显。除二交各性状的平均数较小外,其它不同杂交数的各类组合的后代在主要产量性状的平均数、10个最高值中所占比例的表现上也都无显著差异。
- Abstract:
- Prog enies of tw o- pa rent、four - pa rent、eight- parent a nd six teen- pa rentcrosses made wi th 43 good parents w ere compared on perfo rmance and selectionrespo nse of thei r ag ro nomic t rai ts. The objectiv e o f this study w as to ex plore theef fectiv eness o f dif ferent parental numbers o n g enetic v ariatio n and mean perfo rmance ofthe filial- genera tions, and to provide theo retical bases for parental mating and prog enyselectio n in soy bean breeding.The experimental resul ts show ed that: In the crosses co ntaining mo re pa rentalnumbers, yield- trai t variation o f prog enies w ere compa ra tiv e large. This sugg ested thatincreasing parental numbers of crosses seemed to be able to increase va riation ofprog enies. The trait s relatively simply inherited ex hibi ted thi s t rend mo re apparentlythan the relativ ely complex genetic characters. Amo ng the cro sses o f dif ferent pa rentalnumbers, the av erage and pro po rtion of 10 highest of the sev en cha racteristics w eresimi lar.
1 王维田等,吉林省大豆杂交育种进展分析,大豆通报, 1996, 4: 25- 26
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