Zou JijunDong WeiZhang Zhiyo ngChen ShouyiWang JichaiXu JinxingYang QingkaiCao Yueping.STUDY OF AFFECTING FACTORS IN SOYBEAN RAPD[J].Soybean Science,1998,17(03):197-201.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.1998.03.0197]
- Title:
- Keywords:
- RAPD; Soy bean ( Gl ycine max ) ; Affecting factors
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为确保RAPD结果的重复性和真实性,本文对影响大豆RAPD结果的主要因素进行了研究。这些因素包括: Taq酶、MgCl2、模板、dN TPs、引物浓度,双引物扩增及热循环数。最终优化的大豆RAPD反应体系为: 25ul反应液中, 10倍反应缓冲液( 100mM Tri s - HCl pH8. 0, 500mM KCl, 0. 1% gelatin ) , 2.0mMMgCl2 , dCT P、dGTP、d T TP、d ATP各为0. 2mM, 15ng 引物, 25ng DN A,1u Taq酶。研究结果还表明,双引物比单引物扩增的小片段数增多,但也存在着原有单引物扩增条带缺失现象。
- Abstract:
- To ensure tha t the results of RAPD w ill be reproducible and true, the ma jo r affectingfacto rs in soy bean RAPD were studied. These factors included: the co ncent ratio nso f Taq polymerase enzyme, Mg Cl2 , template, dN TPs, primer , amplificatio n o f pai red primers a nd thermal cycles. The final optimi zed soy bean RAPD co ndi tions w ere: in 25ulreactio n so lutio n, 10× Buf fer ( 100mM Tris- HCl pH8. 0, 500mM KCl , 0. 1% gelatin) ,2. 0mM MgCl2 , 0. 2mM dN TPs, 15ng primer, 1. 0u Taq polymerase enzyme. The results a lso show ed that compa red w ith the amplicatio n of single primer, paired primersno t o nly resul ted in mo re small f ragments but also lost some bands.
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