LIU Shi-chao,REN Rui,WANG Li-qun,et al.Study on Selection of SMV Resistance Genes in Soybean Germplasms and Segregation Populations using Molecular Marker[J].Soybean Science,2018,37(01):14-21.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2018.01.0014]
- Title:
- Study on Selection of SMV Resistance Genes in Soybean Germplasms and Segregation Populations using Molecular Marker
- Keywords:
- Molecular markers; Soybean; Soybean mosaic virus; Resistant genes; Coincidence rates of selection
- 分类号:
- S565.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 大豆花叶病毒(Soybean mosaic virus,SMV)病是我国大豆生产上最主要的病毒病害之一。本研究用与SMV株系SC15和SC18抗病基因Rsc15和Rsc18紧密连锁的5个分子标记(Satt246、Satt286和Satt634、BARCSOYSSR_02_0667和Satt266)对来自国内外的50份大豆种质以及杂交组合“科丰1号×RN-9”后代进行了针对SC15和SC18株系的抗病性评价和选择。经接种验证后结果表明:Sat_246和Satt286对抗病基因Rsc15的选择平均符合率分别为63.89%和66.67%;Satt634、BARCSOYSSR_02_0667和Satt266对Rsc18选择的平均符合率分别为67.92%、68.09%和63.10%;共选出抗SC15的材料34份,抗SC18的材料27份,对SC15和SC18均抗病的材料25份。通过对杂交组合“科丰1号×RN-9”衍生的F2、F3和F4代分离群体进行标记选择和接种SMV的表型验证,发现标记Sat_246和Satt286在3个分离世代对SC15抗性基因筛选的符合率分别为72.13%、68.83%和84.25%。用与Rsc15和Rsc18连锁的5个分子标记,对F2、F3和F4代分离群体进行抗性基因的选择,在F4就筛选到18个对SC15和SC18均为抗病且标记带型完全纯合的抗病家系。本研究结果表明这些分子标记可有效用于种质资源和杂交后代群体对SMV抗性的选择。
- Abstract:
- Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) is one of the most important virus diseases in soybean production in China. In this study, 50 soybean germplasms from domestic and abroad along with the F2, F3 and F4 populations from the cross of “Kefeng 1 × RN-9” were evaluated and selected for the resistance to SMV strains SC15 and SC18 using the five molecular markers (Satt246, Satt286 and Satt634, BARCSOYSSR_02_0667 and Satt266) tightly linking to Rsc15 and Rsc18, which are soybean resistance genes to SC15 and SC18.The results in this study through phenotype confirmation revealed that the coincidental rates of selection of the molecular markers for Sat_246 and Satt286 to the resistance of SC15 were 63.89% and 66.67%, and that of Satt634, BARCSOYSSR_02_0667 and Satt266 to Rsc15 were 67.92%, 68.09% and 63.10%, respectively; 34 soybean germplasms with resistance to SC15, 27 to SC18 and 25 soybean germplasms with resistance to both SC15 and SC18 were obtained, respectively. The resistant gene of Rsc15 was selected in the F2, F3 and F4 populations using the molecular markers. The results showed that the coincidence rates of molecular markers for Sat_246 and Satt286 to Rsc15 in F2, F3 and F4 populations were 72.13%, 68.83% and 84.52%, respectively. The selection of resistance genes was performed in the F2, F3 and F4 populations using the 5 molecular markers linking to Rsc15 and Rsc18, and 18 homozygous lines with resistance to both SC15 and SC18 were obtained in F4. These results indicate that these molecular markers can be used effectively for the selection of resistance to SMV germplasm resources and in segregating populations.
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