ZHANG Yu-mei,LAN Xin-long,TENG Zhen-yong,et al.Genetic Analysis of Fresh Seeds Soluble Sugar Content in Soybean Based on A Mixed Model of Major-genes plus Polygenes[J].Soybean Science,2022,41(05):520-525.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2022.05.0520]
- Title:
- Genetic Analysis of Fresh Seeds Soluble Sugar Content in Soybean Based on A Mixed Model of Major-genes plus Polygenes
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为明确大豆鲜籽粒可溶性糖含量的遗传规律,应用数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传模型联合分析方法,检测闽豆7号、福豆234及其杂交后代F1和F2群体鲜籽粒的可溶性糖含量。结果表明:大豆鲜籽粒可溶性糖含量遗传规律符合2MG-EA模型,鲜籽粒可溶性糖含量受两对等加性主基因控制,加性效应来自母本闽豆7号,主基因遗传率为72.86%。综上说明在鲜食大豆育种过程中应选择可溶性糖含量相对较高的品种为双亲,且对可溶性糖含量的定向选择宜在早世代进行。
- Abstract:
- To understand the inheritance pattern of soluble sugar content for soybean fresh seeds, we applied combined analysis method of mixed quantitative major-genes plus polygenes inheritance model to investigate inheritance of soluble sugar content in Mindou 7, Fudou 234, and the F1 and F2 populations of Mindou 7×Fudou 234. The results showed that the genetic model 2MG-EA, incorporating two pairs of equal additive major genes, was the best-fitting genetic model for soluble sugar content of soybean fresh seeds. The additive effects came from the female parent Mindou 7. The heritability of major genes in the F2 population conferring soluble sugar content was 72.86%. Thus, in the process of vegetable soybean breeding, selected parents should be with relatively high soluble sugar content, and the directional selection of soluble sugar content should be carried out in the early generation.
Abstract:To understand the inheritance pattern of soluble sugar content for soybean fresh seeds, we applied combined analysis method of mixed quantitative major-genes plus polygenes inheritance model to investigate inheritance of soluble sugar content in Mindou 7, Fudou 234, and the F1 and F2 populations of Mindou 7×Fudou 234. The results showed that the genetic model 2MG-EA, incorporating two pairs of equal additive major genes, was the best-fitting genetic model for soluble sugar content of soybean fresh seeds. The additive effects came from the female parent Mindou 7. The heritability of major genes in the F2 population conferring soluble sugar content was 72.86%. Thus, in the process of vegetable soybean breeding, selected parents should be with relatively high soluble sugar content, and the directional selection of soluble sugar content should be carried out in the early generation.Keywords:
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