GUO Xiao-hong,WEI Qing-yuan,TANG Fu-yue,et al.Screening of High Temperature Tolerant Soybean Germplasms and Evaluation of Heat-tolerant Indexes During Germination Stage[J].Soybean Science,2022,41(05):513-519.[doi:DOI:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2022.05.0513]
- Title:
- Screening of High Temperature Tolerant Soybean Germplasms and Evaluation of Heat-tolerant Indexes During Germination Stage
- Keywords:
- soybean; high temperature stress; germplasm evaluation; seed shape index; specific gravity; bulk density
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为筛选萌发期耐高温大豆种质资源,建立高效便捷的耐热评价体系,本研究选用华南地区育成品种和广西壮族自治区积累的主要育种材料(共计1 124份)为研究对象,分别在25和38 ℃温度处理下测定大豆种子的发芽率,以38 ℃/25 ℃的相对发芽率评价了萌发期大豆种质资源的耐热性,探讨了籽粒的形态、比重、容重和品质性状与相对发芽率的相关性并筛选籽粒耐高温性的最适评价指标。结果表明:高温胁迫降低了大豆种质的发芽率,且不同品(系)的发芽率存在显著差异。根据38 ℃/25 ℃的相对发芽率的差异,筛选出78份强耐热种质资源,其中有3份种质资源的相对发芽率为100%,分别为都安青皮豆、南豆35和14夏G8-65。春大豆耐热种质占有率显著高于夏大豆;有色种皮品(系)中耐高温材料占有率高于黄色种皮种质。相关分析表明,大豆萌发期的耐热性与籽粒的粒型指数、表面积、百粒重和蛋白质含量呈极显著负相关,与容重和比重呈极显著正相关。逐步回归和通径分析表明,大豆种质萌发期的耐热性与粒型指数、百粒重、容重和比重的关系最为密切。大豆籽粒的容重和耐热性均与种子的粒型指数和比重极显著正相关,与百粒重极显著负相关,因此籽粒容重较适合作为大豆萌发期耐热性强弱的田间初步评价指标。
- Abstract:
- In order to select the heat-tolerant soybean germplasms and establish efficient and convenient evaluation system during the germination stage. 1 124 varieties(lines) including the released cultivars in South China and main breeding germplasm of Guangxi were selected to test the seed germination rate at 25 and 38 ℃, respectively. Then we used the relative germination rate at 38 ℃/25 ℃ to evaluate the high-temperature tolerance of soybean at germination stage,discussed the correlation between the morphological traits, specific gravity, bulk density, quality traits of seeds and the relative germination rate,and select optimal index for seed heat tolerance screening. The germination rate of soybean decreased at high temperatures, and there was a significant difference in germination rate among different varieties. 78 high heat-tolerant germplasm were screened out by the relative germination rate, and three varieties including Du′anqingpidou, Nandou 35, and 14-Xia-G8-65 had a relative germination rate of 100%. Moreover, the percentage of heat-tolerant germplasm in spring soybean was significantly higher than that of summer soybean, and the percentage of heat-tolerant germplasm in non-yellow seed coats was higher than that of the yellow seed coat.Correlation analysis showed that the heat tolerance of soybean at the germination stage was negatively correlated with seed shape index, surface area, 100-seed weight, and protein content, but significantly positively correlated with bulk density and specific gravity. Stepwise regression and path analysis showed that the heat tolerance of soybean at the germination stage was closely related to the seed shape index, 100-seed weight, bulk density, and specific gravity. The bulk density of soybean seeds was positively correlated with seed shape index and specific gravity, and negatively correlated with 100-seed weight. Therefore, it was suggested that the bulk density could be used as the primary evaluation index for the heat-tolerant soybean germplasm.
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