LI Rui-ning,YAO Xu-yang,ZHAO Tao-di,et al.Identification of Low Temperature Tolerance and Germplasm Screening in Germinating Stage of Vegetable Soybean[J].Soybean Science,2021,40(06):792-798.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2021.06.0792]
- Title:
- Identification of Low Temperature Tolerance and Germplasm Screening in Germinating Stage of Vegetable Soybean
- Keywords:
- Vegetable soybean; Germination period; Low temperature stress; Membership function value; Germplasm screening
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 大豆种子发芽易受低温条件的影响,造成出苗质量差,进而影响大豆的产量和质量。为比较不同菜用大豆品种在低温胁迫下的耐性,以18份菜用大豆品种为试验材料,在大豆种子萌发期进行15 ℃恒定低温处理,测定其表型指标和抗氧化指标,采用隶属函数法综合评价发芽期不同品种菜用大豆的耐低温特性。结果表明:在15 ℃的低温胁迫下,18份菜用大豆品种的耐低温性差异较大,其中辽鲜、沈鲜15号、优系三和春棚特早发芽势和发芽率均大于95%,具有较高的抗氧化酶活性,且丙二醛含量较低,较高的抗氧化酶活性有助于保护自身免受活性氧的损害,缓解自身的逆境损伤,具有较强的耐低温性;首农8号、沈鲜3号、春丰早早熟60、新福特早、新鲜1号和龙泉神剑的发芽势和发芽指数相对较低,表明在低温环境下其种子发芽慢或者不发芽,萌发受抑制,具有较弱的耐低温性;其他菜用大豆品种的耐低温性均为中等。
- Abstract:
- Soybean seed germination period is easily affected by low temperature conditions, resulting in poor quality of seedling emergence, and then affect the yield and quality of soybean.To compare the resistance of different vegetable soybean varieties under low temperature stress, this study selected 18 vegetable soybean varieties as materials, and carried out 15 ℃ constant low temperature treatment in the germination stage.We measured the phenotypic indexes and antioxidant enzyme activities under different low temperature stress, and then comprehensive evaluated the low temperature tolerance of vegetable soybean of the varieties in the germination stage with membership function method.The results showed that the low temperature tolerance of 18 vegetable soybean varieties was significantly different under the low temperature stress of 15 ℃.The germination energy and germination rate of Liaoxian, Shenxian 15, Youxisan and Chunpengtezao were greater than 95%, with high antioxidant enzyme activity and low MDA content.Higher antioxidant enzyme activity could help protect them from the damage of reactive oxygen species and alleviate the damage of its own stress, so they had a strong low temperature tolerance.The germination energy and germination rate of Shounong 8, Shenxian 3, Chunfengzaozaoshu 60, Xinfutezao, Xinxian 1 and Longquanshenjian were relatively low, indicating that its seeds germinated slowly or did not germinate under low temperature environment, the germination was inhibited, and they had weak low temperature tolerance.The low temperature tolerance of other vegetable soybean varieties were moderate.
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