ZHU Hai-xia,LI Xiu-fen,YIN Shi-ping,et al.Evaluation of Drought Characteristics During Soybean Growth Period of 1971-2016 in Heilongjiang Province Based on SPI[J].Soybean Science,2020,39(05):758-766.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2020.05.0758]
- Title:
- Evaluation of Drought Characteristics During Soybean Growth Period of 1971-2016 in Heilongjiang Province Based on SPI
- Keywords:
- Drought; Standardized precipitation index; Soybean; Joint appearance
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为了明确黑龙江省大豆生长季干旱时空特征,基于标准化降水指数(SPI),分析黑龙江省76个气象观测站1971-2016年大豆生长季,播种、苗期、开花结荚和鼓粒阶段中度以上干旱的时空分布。结果表明:46年间西部干旱趋势总体增强,但近10年大豆播种期和苗期干旱程度明显减弱,东部干旱趋势总体减弱。大豆各生育阶段干旱区域总体缩小,以播种阶段最明显。46年中,在大豆各个生育阶段约50%的年份、总计约42年出现了局域性、区域性或全区域中度以上干旱,其中1975、1976、1977、1979、1982、2000、2001、2003、2004和2007年为区域性或全区域重度以上干旱,1977、1982和2003年为全区域特旱。大豆各生育阶段中度以上干旱有联发性特点,约有18年出现了联发2个或2个以上生育阶段的局域性、区域性干旱,其中1975和1999年甚至达到了联发3个发育阶段的区域性中度以上干旱。黑龙江省中度以上干旱的出现年份也有连发性特点,如大豆播种、出苗和开花结荚阶段,约2~3年连发。大豆各生育阶段,尤其是苗期阶段出现范围大、程度重的干旱时段多集中于1970s和2000s,近6年中开花结荚阶段的干旱趋势增强。
- Abstract:
- For studying temporal and spatial features drought during growth period of soybean, based on standard precipitation index (SPI), spatial and temporal variation characteristics is researched for drought of middle or above levels in 76 weather stations of Heilongjiang province with the drought station ratio from 1971 to 2016 during these growing stages of soybean, such as total growing periods, sowing period, seedling period, flowering and podding period and seed filling period. The results showed that, in 46 years, drought was obvious tendency in the western, however, drought degree decreased significantly during sowing and seedling periods of soybean in the last ten years, drought was weak all over in the eastern. Drought area reduced overall during various stages of soybean, and drought area obviously reduced in seedling stage there were almost half of years to drought middle or above levels, and 42 years were dominated by localized drought, regional drought and whole regional drought of grave or above levels. Regional drought and whole drought of grave or above levels occur in these years such as 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1982, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004 and 2007, furthermore these years were whole drought of extreme level, such as 1977, 1982 and 2003. During various growing periods of soybean, drought has character of joint appearance. In 18 years, two growing periods or above periods to outbreak localized drought or regional drought, above all 1975 and 1999, two growing periods to outbreak regional drought. The continuous occurrence of drought showed in Heilongjiang province from the perspective of time, for example, the continuous occurrence of drought were from 2 to 3 years in these periods such as sowing period, seedling period, flowering and podding period. During various growing periods of soybean, especially seedling period, expensive and serious droughts were apt to occur in 1970s and 2000s, but drought tendency was enhanced during flowering and podding period in the past six years.
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