TIAN Yan-hong,ZHAO Xiao-feng,LIU Yue,et al.Effects of Different Dosages of Organic Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Soybean[J].Soybean Science,2018,37(04):578-584.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2018.04.0578]
- Title:
- Effects of Different Dosages of Organic Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Soybean
- Keywords:
- Dosage of organic fertilizer; Soybean; Plant characters; Yield; Economic benefit
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为明确有机肥在大豆生产中的最适用量,于2016-2017年采用小区试验,施用自主发酵有机肥,用量为2.5,7.5,15.0,22.5,30.0 t·hm-2的5个水平,研究不同用量有机肥及其与化肥混施对大豆生长及产量的影响。植株长势考查结果表明:有机肥料肥效释放缓慢,在苗期植株长势弱于常规施肥处理,在盛花期促进根、根瘤生长,增加干物质积累,有机肥用量在15~30 t·hm-2时干物质积累量与常规施肥处理间达显著差异,有机肥用量为2.5~7.5 t·hm-2时配施50%常规施肥与单施有机肥处理相比促进了植株生长,但干物质积累量仍低于常规施肥水平。测产结果表明:有机肥单施最适用量为15~22.5 t·hm-2,较常规施肥增产2%~4%,有机肥化肥配施最适用量为有机肥15 t·hm-2配施50%常规施肥,其产量高于单施处理,较常规施肥增产2.63%,差异显著;从经济效益值来看,有机肥施用量越高,肥料成本越高,效益值越低。因此,从提高产量、保证经济效益角度出发,有机肥最佳用量为15 t·hm-2配施50%常规施肥。
- Abstract:
- In order to determine the optimum dosage of organic fertilizer for soybean production, the effect of different dosages of self-fermentation organic fertilizer with chemical fertilizer on the growth and yield of soybean were studied. The organic fertilizer dosages were 2.5,7.5,15.0,22.5 and 30.0 t·ha-1. The results of plant characters with plot experiments during 2016 and 2017 showed that the organic fertilizer released slowly, the plants growth vigor was weaker than chemical fertilizer at seedling stage, while at full-bloom stage, root and nodules growth were better than chemical fertilizer, and the dry matter accumulation was significant higher than the chemical fertilizer treatment when the dosage was between 15 and 30 t·ha-1. The dosage between 2.5 and 7.5 t·ha-1 with 50% routine chemical fertilizer could promote plant growth compared with single application of organic fertilizer treatment, but dry matter accumulation was still lower than routine chemical fertilizer treatment. The results of the yield showed that the optimal dosage of single organic fertilizer was between 15 and 22.5 t·ha-1 with the yield increased by 2%-4%. The optimal dosage of organic-chemical fertilizer was 15 t·ha-1 organic fertilizer with 50% routine chemical fertilizer, which significantly increased the yield by 2.63% compared with routine treatment. As for economic benefit, the more application of organic fertilizer, the higher fertilizer cost, the lower benefit value. Therefore, for increasing yield and ensuring economic benefit, the optimum dosage was 15 t·ha-1 organic fertilizer with 50% routine dosage of chemical fertilizer.
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