LIU Xuejiao,WANG Mingjiu,SUO Rongzhen.The Authentic Evaluation on Hybrids of Wild Soybean and Cultivated Soybean Based on SRAP Marker in Inner Mongolia[J].Soybean Science,2017,36(02):193-199.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2017.02.0193]
- Title:
- The Authentic Evaluation on Hybrids of Wild Soybean and Cultivated Soybean Based on SRAP Marker in Inner Mongolia
- Keywords:
- SRAP marker; Hybrids; Primer screening; Hybrids identification
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以通辽市科左后旗查金台牧场野生大豆和栽培品种大白眉种间杂交后代为材料,通过SRAP分子标记鉴定其真实性并构建杂交后代指纹图谱,首先从234对引物中筛选出15对扩增条带较多、信号强、背景清晰的引物组合,再利用2个亲本对引物进行筛选,筛选出10对能扩增出父本特异性条带的引物。对50个杂交后代进行真实性鉴定,鉴定结果为50个杂交后代中有2个后代未扩增出父本特征带,被鉴定为假杂种。用筛选出的15对引物组合对大豆各株系进行PCR扩增,共扩增出347个位点,其中有265个为多态性位点,多态性位点的百分率为7637%。结果表明,SRAP分子标记可以用于鉴定大豆杂交后代的真实性,所筛选出的15对引物组合可以有效地应用于杂交大豆种质资源的SRAP分析。
- Abstract:
- In this study,the hybrids of wild soybean and cultivated soybean were analyzed by SRAP marker to select out the true hybrids and build fingerprint15 primer combinations of SRAP with characteristics of rich polymorphism, clear bands and good repeatability were selected from 234 primer combinations at first, then primers were selected to bands specific for the male parent but absent from the female, 10 primers were selected and applied to identify the hybrids There were 48 progenies with those specific bands, which were therefore identified as true hybrids The 15 primer combinations were used in the PCR amplification,347 DNA bands were obtained, 265 of which bands were polymorphic, amounted to 76-37% of the total amplified bands The result showed that SRAP markers could be used as effective molecular markers for the authenticity identification of the progenies of soybean, the selected 15 primer combinations could be effectively applied to SRAP analusis of the germplasm resources of hybrids
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基金项目: 国家重点研究发展计划(2016YFC0500605)。