FU Meng-meng,WANG Yan-ping,REN Hai-xiang,et al.Ecological Characteristics Analysis of Northeast Soybean Germplasm Yield and Plant Type Traits[J].Soybean Science,2017,36(01):1-11.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2017.01.0001]
- Title:
- Ecological Characteristics Analysis of Northeast Soybean Germplasm Yield and Plant Type Traits
- Keywords:
- 3.Crops Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Land Reclamation Sciences; Jiamusi 154007; China; 4.Beian Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation Bureau; Beian 164009; China; 5.Keshan Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Keshan 161606; China; 6.Daqing Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Daqing 163316; China; 7.Tieling Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Tieling 112616; China; 8.Changchun Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Changchun 130111; China; 9.Baicheng Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Baicheng 137000; China; 10.Hulunbuir Institute of Agricultural Sciences; Hulunbuir 162650; China)Northeast spring soybean; Yield trait; Plant type; Ecological characteristics; Ideal pant type
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为明确东北大豆产量相关性状(地上部生物量、产量、表观收获指数、主茎荚数)和株型相关性状(株高、主茎节数、分枝数目、倒伏程度)生态特性及各亚区改良方向,本研究采用1916-2012年间搜集或育成的东北地区代表性资源361份,于2012-2014年在东北4个生态亚区的9个代表性地点进行试验研究(I亚区:北安、扎兰屯,II亚区:克山、牡丹江、佳木斯、长春,III亚区:大庆、白城,IV亚区:铁岭)。(1)将品种在所有环境下的平均值作为该品种的综合值,用以作为与生态区值比较的标准。结果表明:东北大豆群体及各熟期组在各生态区产量和株型性状的差异虽达到显著水平,但绝对差异并不大。第Ⅰ亚区主要包括黑龙江和内蒙古北部地区,东北大豆群体在该亚区的特点是植株高大主茎荚数偏低(仅为其它亚区值的一半左右);第Ⅱ亚区主要包括黑龙江中南部至吉林省长春地区,东北大豆群体在该亚区的特点是株型高大但倒伏问题突出;第Ⅲ亚区包括黑龙江西南至吉林省东北部缺水地区,东北大豆群体在该亚区的特点是植株矮小,主茎节数降低,但产量、主茎荚数和表观收获指数均较好;第Ⅳ亚区主要包括辽宁省大部地区,东北大豆群体在该亚区的特点是植株矮小,表观收获指数偏低、产量略低的特点。(2)通过将大豆按照产量高低分为3组(低产、中产、高产),讨论不同亚区不同产量类型大豆改良的方向及该亚区改良进展及理想的高产株型。结果表明:产量改良应通过改良地上部生物量来实现,不同亚区不同产量类型改良的方向略有不同。第Ⅰ亚区将中产型改良为高产型应重视主茎节数的增加,本地区高产品种应注意改良地上部生物量和主茎荚数,本群体在这两个性状优势有限;第Ⅱ亚区各产量类型改良均应注重主茎节数和株高的改良,中产型改良为高产型应重点关注主茎节数;第Ⅲ亚区改良与地上部生物量相关的株高、主茎、分枝性状均能改良各产量类型;第Ⅳ亚区应注意改良当地品种表观收获指数。根据各亚区内群体高产品种及当地适宜熟期组高产品种的株型特点,提出了不同亚区的高产株型,同时筛选出一批各生态亚区内高产品种供育种利用。
- Abstract:
- To explore the ecological properties of yield related traits (above-ground biomass, yield, apparent economic coefficient and number of pods on main stem) and plant type related traits (plant height, number of nodes on main stem, number of branches on main stem and lodging score ) for planning yield improvement approaches in each sub-regions of soybean, the 361 landraces and released cultivars collected or released during 1916 -2012 in Northeast China was tested at nine locations in four subregions, including Zalantun and Beian in subregion I, Keshan, Jiamusi Mudanjiang and Changchun in subregion II, Daqing and Baicheng in subregion III, Tieling in subregion IV in 2012-2014. (1)The mean of a variety averaging over all environments was considered as the general value of the variety to be used as a check in comparison with the eco-region values for evaluation of the ecoregion effect. The result showed that the Northeast population and MG varieties performed significantly different in various eco-regions, but the absolute differences were not large. In Eco-region I,located in Northern Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia, the plant height was taller than those in other areas while the number of pods on main stem was lower, only half of the other areas. In Eco-region II, located in the area from the Southern Heilongjiang to Northern Jilin, the plant height was taller while lodging score was higher than those in other areas. In Eco-region III, located in the area from Southwest Heilongjiang to Northeast Jilin where with less rainfall, the plant height was smaller, number of nodes on main stem was lower while the yield, number of pods on main stem and apparent economic coefficient were more than those in other areas. In Eco-region IV, located in the most areas of Liaoning province, the plant height was smaller, apparent economic coefficient and yield were lower than those in other ecoregions. (2) The emphases and progresses of soybean improvement in each sub-region as well as the ideal plant types were discussed based on grouping the yield level as poor, normal and high three categories. The result showed that the aboveground biomass should be the key in the improvement of soybean yield even some different other traits may fits different eco-regions. In Eco-region I, to raise the normal to the high category, the number of pods on main stem should be emphasized. For the improvement of the high category, the above-ground biomass and number of pods on main stem should be noticed. All three yield categories in Eco-region II should pay more attention on the number of pods on main stem and plant height. From the normal to the high category, the number of pods on main stem should be noticed. In Eco-region III, all the traits, such as plant height, number of nodes on main stem and branch number that related to aboveground biomass should be relevant to yield improvement. In Eco-region IV, the apparent economic coefficient should be important to the improvement of the local varieties. In addition, the plant type characteristics suitable to the respective eco-regions and maturity groups were proposed according to the performance of the high category soybeans, and a group of high yield varieties were nominated for future breeding in respective eco-regions.
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