LI Qiang,GAO Ju-lin,SU Er-hu,et al.Identification and Analysis of Phenotypic Traits in Soybean[J].Soybean Science,2015,34(05):752-759.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2015.05.0752]
- Title:
- Identification and Analysis of Phenotypic Traits in Soybean
- Keywords:
- Soybean; Phenotypic traits; ANOVA analysis; Correlation analysis; Principal component analysis
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以来自不同生态区的151份大豆种质资源为材料,对农艺、产量、品质等14个数量性状进行了2年的精准鉴定,并对其进行了方差分析、相关分析及主成分分析。结果表明:参试品种的表型性状两年变异系数分别为6.50%~52.03%和6.71%~50.90%,变异较大。不同品种间,除每荚粒数差异不显著外,其它各性状都达到了极显著水平;产量除与有效分枝数、蛋白含量相关性不显著外,与其它性状均呈显著相关关系;产量性状因子、生长发育因子、粒重脂肪因子和株型蛋白因子4个主成分累积贡献率达到78.088%,基本可以反映大豆植株的生长发育、产量及品质状况。
- Abstract:
- We have studied the agronomic, yield and quality traits of 151 soybean accessions for 2 years and analyzed with the method of ANOVA, correlation and cluster analysis. The results showed that the coefficient of variation (CV) of germplasm of soybean based on phenotypic traits were 6.50%-52.03% and 6.71%-50.90%, respectively.Agronomic traits and production were significantly different between cultivars except for number of seeds per pod.The results of correlation analysis indicated that yield correlated significantly positively with all phenotypic traits except effective branch number and protein content.The results of principal component analysis of 14 traits suggested that these traits might be reduced into 4 comprehensive indexes (yield traits factors, growth factors, grain weight and adipokines factors, plant type and protein factors), whose cumulative contribution rate accounted for 78.088%, reflecting basically the growth, yield and quality status of soybean.
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