LI Qichao,JIANG Wei,CHEN Haitao,et al.Study on Soybean Flat dense Precision Seeder and Planting Technology[J].Soybean Science,2014,33(02):184-189.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2014.02.0184]
- Title:
- Study on Soybean Flat dense Precision Seeder and Planting Technology
- 文章编号:
- 1000-9841(2014)02-0184-06
- Keywords:
- Soybean; Precision seeder; Flat dense planting; Yield
- 分类号:
- S223.2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 介绍了自主研制的2BPJ12型大豆平作密植精密播种机结构,并采用行距35 cm平作密植栽培技术,研究了大豆不同种植密度和肥料不同施用方法对植株密度和产量的影响,同时与大垄密植栽培方式进行对比。结果表明:所研制的播种机能够正常运输与作业,满足大豆平作窄行密植机械化播种作业要求。大豆平作密植栽培方式明显高于大垄密植栽培方式的产量,种植密度35万株·hm-2分层施肥种植方法增产效果最明显。该项技术为黑龙江省大豆平作密植栽培方式的推广提供了理论依据和技术支撑。
- Abstract:
- Based on flat dense planting cultivation technique in 35 cm row space, 2BPJ12 type soybean flat-dense planting precision seeder was developed,the effect of soybean different planting density and different fertilizer application methods on plant density and yield was studied,meanwhile,compared it with the grand ridge condensed planting and cultivation techniques.The experimental results indicated that,the seeder can normal transport and work,meet the requirements of soybean flat-plowing narrow row and condensed mechanized sowing work.The yield of soybean flat-dense planting cultivation is higher than grand ridge condensed planting cultivation.The yield increasing effect of layered fertilization growing method was very obvious.The technology provided theoretical basis and technical support for the promotion of soybean flat-dense planting cultivation in Heilongjiang province.
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