Xu Xiaoyan Zheng Rui Li Chunmei Yu Deyue*.2- DE ANALYSIS OF PROTEINS DURING SEED GERMINATION IN SOYBEAN[J].Soybean Science,2006,25(04):355-359.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2006.04.0355]
- Title:
- 关键词:
- 大豆; 双向电泳(2- DE); 萌发
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 采用双向电泳技术分析了大豆种子萌发时期蛋白质的差异表达 。研究发现, 在考染胶上,通过 PDQuest 分析 ,在成熟干种子和萌发种子的 2 - DE 图谱上分别获得 341 和 376 个蛋白斑点 ,两个时期的 2 - DE 图谱非常相近, 说明绝大部分大豆种子贮藏蛋白在萌发期尚未开始降解 。有 21个蛋白点在萌发的大豆种子中表达量上调, 9 个表达量下调。对这些蛋白的进一步鉴定将有助于深入理解大豆种子萌发过程的生理及分子机制。
- Abstract:
- Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2 - DE) was utilized to analyze proteins with differentialexpressions during soybean seed germination. It was found that 341 and 376 protein spots were present indry mature seeds and germinated seeds in 2- DE maps, stained by coomassie brilliant blue and analyzed byPDQuest image software. The 2 - DE map of germinated seed was very similar to that of dry mature seed,suggesting that most of soybean seed storage proteins weren’t mobilized during seed germination. And 21up-regulated proteins and 9 down-regulated proteins were found during seed germination. The further i-dentification for these protein spots would help to understand the physiological and molecular mechanismsof soybean seed germination.
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