Sun HuanZhao Limei Wang Shuming Wang Yueqiang Peng Bao Zhang Jingyong.CRITERION ON CLASSIFICATION OF POLLEN FERTILITY IN SOYBEAN[J].Soybean Science,2006,25(04):339-343.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2006.04.0339]
- Title:
- Keywords:
- Soybean ; Pollen sterility ; Criterion of classification
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以完全不育的大豆细胞质雄性不育系和完全可育的保持系、恢复系为对照,以 5 个分离群体为主要试材 ,将花粉败育率分为 11 个等级,观察、分析了花粉败育率的分布情况 。不育对照花粉败育率均在 95. 1%以上, 实际观察值为 99%以上。可育对照败育率均在 10%以内 ,实际观察值在5%以内。分离群体花粉败育率有三个高峰, 第一个峰值出现在败育率 0 ~ 10%,植株高度可育 ,其中 95%植株集中在0 ~ 5%之间 。第二个峰值出现在败育率为 95. 1%~ 100%, 实际观察值均高于98%,植株高度不育 。另一个峰值出现在败育率 40. 1%~ 60%之间 ,是典型的半不育 。以此为中心向可育和不育两个方向递减 。花粉败育率 10%和 95 %是两个明显的分界点 。依据分离群体和对照的花粉败育率的分布情况 ,将大豆花粉育性分为 4 类。1、可育 :花粉败育率 0 ~ 5%。2、不育:花粉败育率 95. 1 %~ 100%。3、半不育:花粉败育率 10. 1%~ 95%。4、典型半不育 :花粉败育率40. 1 %~ 60%。
- Abstract:
- Complete male-sterile CMS A line, male-fertile B line , R line and 5 segregating populations wereused as genetic stocks in this experiment. 11 classes of percent sterile pollen rate was adopted to analyzedthe distribution of pollen sterility. The percentage of sterile pollen grains of male-sterile CMS A lines wasall above 95. 1 %. T he actual observed value was over 99%. The percentage of sterile pollen grains ofmale-fertile lines was within 10%and the actual observed value was within 5%. There were three peaks ofpercentage of sterile pollens in segregating populations. The first peak appeared at sterile pollen rate of 0~10%. All plants at this class showed highly fertile and 95%of those plants had 0~ 5%sterile pollens. Thesecond peak appeared at sterile pollen rate of 95. 1%~ 100% and actual observed percentage was above98%. The plant at this class were highly sterile. Another peak located between 40. 1%to 60%. It is typi-cal semi-sterility. Centered at this peak the number of the plants decrease progressively toward both ofmore sterile and more fertile directions. 10%and 95%were two cutting points. Based on the distributionof percent sterile pollen rates four classes of pollen fertility in soybean were suggested. Fertile :0 ~ 5%,Sterile :95. 1%~ 100%, Semi-sterile :10. 1 %~ 95%, Typical semi-sterile :40. 1 %~ 60%.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金 39370446, 吉林省重大科技项目 20010211作者简介:孙寰(1939 -), 男, 研究员, 从事大豆遗传育种, 主攻大豆杂种优势利用