Han Yuqin Lu Cuihua Li Xichen Zhou Sijun Liu Zhaojun Lei Bojun Qian Hua.STUDIES ON THEMUTATION EFFECTS INDUCED BY DIRECTINTRODUCTION OF IRRADIATED FOREIGN DNA INTO SOYBEAN[J].Soybean Science,2001,20(04):254-256.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2001.04.0254]
辐照外源DNA 直接导入大豆诱变效果的研究
- Title:
- 文章编号:
- 1000 -9841(2001)04 -0254 -03
- Keywords:
- Soybean ; Foreig n DNA ; Irradiation
- 分类号:
- S651.103.52
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 提取农作物总DNA , 采用软x 射线, 剂量为2Gy 、20Gy 、200Gy 和60C0γ射线, 剂量为1Gy 、3Gy 和5Gy 进行照射, 利用花粉管通道技术将其直接导入大豆。以导入不经照射的DNA 为对照,实验结果表明:导入受照射的DNA 明显的降低了D0 代的结实率和D1 代的成苗率, 但后代材料的变异率明显提高, 并且出现了供体和受体都不具备的新性状。
- Abstract:
- Foreign total DNA of crop was i rradiated w ith sof t x -ray in doses of 2Gy , 20Gy amd 200Gyrespertivelg and60Coγ-ray in dosages of 1Gy , 3Gy and 5Gy respectively , and was int roduced into soybeanthroug h pollen tube channel .The same foreign DNA w ithout i rradiation treatment also int roduced into thesoybean w as used as CK .the result s indicated , althong h the seed rate of D0 and the germination rate of D1 w erelower than its CK , the mutation rate of the later generatio ns was increased compared with CK .Moreover , somenew characters which were different from the supplier and the receptor w ere produced in the descendants .
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