Hu Xiping Liu Zhong tang Guo Tai.STUDY ON DWARF AND SEMI -DWARF SOYBEANS BREEDINGBY USING AMERICAN SEMI -DWARF SOYBEAN GERMPLASM RESOURCES[J].Soybean Science,2001,20(03):209-214.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2001.03.0209]
- Title:
- 文章编号:
- 1000 -9841(2001)03 -0209 -06
- Keywords:
- Soybean ; Dwarf and semi -dw arf ; Breeding ; Narrow -compact planting
- 分类号:
- S565.103
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 利用美国半矮秆大豆资源配制的4 个组合, 共选育出7 个半矮秆大豆新品系, 平作窄行密植较对照(合丰25 号)增产10 %以上的有合98 -1246 、合98 -1667 、合9525 -2 、合98 -1459 。通过垄作和平作窄行密植产量比较, 同一品系垄作高产平作窄行密植不一定高产。通径分析结果表明:平作窄行密植栽培直接影响单株粒重的性状是单株粒数, 其次是百粒重, 单独选择任一性状都可提高产量。间接影响单株粒重的性状是单株荚数、有效分枝数。垄作栽培直接影响单株粒重的性状是单株荚数, 间接影响单株粒重的性状为有效分枝数、单株粒数。矮秆、半矮秆育种F1 ~ F5 代主要是针对与产量有关的性状进行选择, 产量的选择必须在窄行密植条件下进行。
- Abstract:
- Seven semi -dw arf soybean new lines are bred f rom four crosses , the yield of He 98 -1246 ,He 98 -1667 ,He 9525 -2 and ,He 98 -1459 increased 10 %more than check variety under narrow -compact planting .By comparing , the yield orders under ridge culture and narrow -compact planting are dif ferent .Under narrow-compact culture , the characters w hich af fect directly on yield per plant are seeds per plant and 100 -seedw eight , and number of pods per plant , branches per plant indirect ly af fect yield per plant .If number of seedsper plant o r 100 -seed weight is selected individually , it may increase yield per plant .Under ridge culture , thecharacters which af fect directly yield per plant is numbers of pods per plant , and number of branches and seedsper plant indi rectly affect yield per plant.Before yield selection is undertaken under narrow -compact planting ,o ther characters should be selected in F1 ~ F5 under ridge culture in dw arf and semi-dw arf soybeans breeding .
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GAI Jiang-nan,ZHANG Bin-bin,WU Yao,et al.Screening of Soybean Genotypes Suitable for Suspension Culture with Adventitious Embryos and Genetic Transformation by Particle Bombardment[J].Soybean Science,2013,32(03):38.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-9841.2013.01.009]
WANG Peng-fei,LIU Li-jun,TANG Xiao-fei,et al.Screening of Soybean Genotypes Suitable for Somatic Embryogenesis[J].Soybean Science,2013,32(03):43.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-9841.2013.01.010]
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基金项目:农业部“ 九五” 攻关课题。