Zhu Cheng so ngChen XinGu Heping.A STUDY ON RE- SELECTION OF ADVANCED GENERATIONSOYBEANS STRAINS[J].Soybean Science,2000,19(02):140-145.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2000.02.0140]
- Title:
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 对两个大豆高世代品系进行再选择。研究了几个主要性状的遗传变异和选择潜力,探讨了性状再选择的可能性。分析了两个品系中8个性状和3个产量性状的综合遗传变异度。在一定选择压下同时进行多性状选择的遗传进展进行估计,应用多元正态分布函数的近似计算,估计了多性状综合选择时所需基础群体的规模。为作物育种中多性状遗传进度研究及群体规模估计提出了新的设想。结果表明,南农88- 48在600- 1000株供选群体中,保持每荚粒数水平不变下,可使每株荚数和百粒重获得2. 5% - 5%左右的相对遗传进度; 苏豆89- 2在1 200- 2 500左右的供选群体下,在保持产量的同时,可使成熟期、病斑率、虫蚀率获得2. 5% - 5%、2. 5% - 5% 、7. 5%- 15%的相对遗传进度。
- Abstract:
- Re- selection w as made in tw o adva nced genera tion soybea n st rains. Geneticva ria tion and g enetic gains o f sev eral principal characters o f tw o st rains w ere estima ted,then the possibili ty of re- selectio n wa s di scussed. The multiv ariate v ariabi li ty w as alsoestima ted fo r 8 ag ro nomic t rai ts and 3 yield- component t rai ts, the mul tiv ariate relativ eg enetic g ains o f 3 t rait s for simul taneo us seleci ton w ere a naly zed. Po pulatio n si ze neededin multiple character selection fo r di fferent demands w as ev aluated by using approx ima tecalcualtio n of multiple normal di st ribution. A new idea served fo r study o n genetic g ainso f mul tiple character and estimation of basic population si ze w as represented in thepaper. The results show ed that 2. 5% - 5% relativ e g enetic gains o f number o f pods perplant and 100- g rain w eigh t of the Nannong 88- 48 st rain ca n be g ot wi th number ofg rains per pod keeping at the o rigina l lev el f rom pure line selectio n o f 600- 1000 plantsand about 2. 5 - 5% , 2. 5% - 5% , 7. 5% - 15% relativ e g enetic gains of days tomaturity, incidence of infected seed, incidence o f insect- bi t seed of Sudo u 89- 2 straincan be o btained w hen it s yield remains a t the o riginal lev el throug h pure line selectionf rom 1200- 2500 plants.
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