Su LiZhang RenshuangSong Shuhong ?Dong ZuanXie FutiWang Xiao guang.COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON FLOWERING POD SETTING ANDSEED FILLING OF SOYBEANS WITH DIFFERENT PODDING HABITS[J].Soybean Science,1997,16(03):237-244.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.1997.03.0237]
- Title:
- Keywords:
- So ybean; Podding habit s; Blo om; Pod set; Pod fi lling; Pod filling; Comparison
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 通过3年田间观测,比较研究了3种结荚习性不同的大豆品种(有限性铁丰24号、亚有限性辽豆10号、无限性沈豆H- 5064)开花、结荚、鼓粒进程。铁丰24号出苗后第69. 5天始花,花期18. 5天,植株中部先开花,渐次向上向下开放; 辽豆10号出苗后第52. 5天始花,花期34天,植株下部先开花,渐次向上开放; 沈豆H- 5064出苗后第54. 0天始花,花期40. 5天,开花次序与辽豆10号相同。铁丰2 4号全株结荚率为33. 53% 、主花序、副花序、分枝的结荚率分别为36. 84%、48. 94% 、20. 29% ,主要结荚部位在植株的中上部; 相应地,辽豆10号为35. 71% 、55. 81% 、25. 00% 和0, 中部结荚居多; 沈豆H5064为24. 00% 、35. 92% 、12. 12% 和6. 67% ,豆荚分布均匀。铁丰24号、辽豆10号、沈豆H-5064分别在开花后第10- 19天、12- 22天、15- 26天豆荚伸长较快,基本接近品种的固有长度和宽度; 豆荚厚度增长因品种籽粒灌浆进程而异。3个品种自幼荚出现至豆荚长成所需时间基本相同(约63天)。3个品种单粒的增重过程符合Logi stic方程,前期增重缓慢,中期加快,后期又减慢,分别在开花后第49. 4天、53. 5天、56. 6天籽粒积累速率最快。
- Abstract:
- Through field test s and observ ation in 3 years, comparativ e studies w ere made onf low ering , pod set ting a nd seed filling of three so ybean va rieties w ith dif ferent poddinghabi ts ( Tiefeng No. 24, determina te; Liaodou No. 10, semi- determina te; Shendou H- 5064, indetermina te) .The time of ini tial flow ering o f Tiefeng No. 24 cocurred at 69 day s af ter emergency ,and it flow ered fo r 18. 5 day s, ini tial f low ers a ppeared o n the middle part of the mainstem, then o ther f low ers bloomed g radually up and dow n along the stom. The time ofini tial f low ering of Liaodou No. 10 o ccured a t 54 days af ter emerg ency, i t w as 34 days off low ering season, the f low ering o rder w as basically from the low er to the upper. Thetime of initial f low ering of Shendou H- 5064 occured at 55 days af ter emergency , i t had40. 5 days of f low ering seaso n, the f low ering order was just the same as that of LiaodouNo. 10. The rate o f pod set of Tiefeng No. 24 was 33. 53% , the ra te o f pod set of mainraceme w as 36. 84% , those o f subraceme and branch w ere 48. 94% , 20. 29% respectiv ely, the main posi tio n at w hichpo ts set was on the upper par t of the main stem; w hilethose o f Liaodou No. 10 w ere 35. 75% , 55. 81% , 25. 00% a nd 0, the main position atw hich po ts set wa s on the middle pa rt o f the main stem; tho se of Shendo u H-5064 were 24. 00% , 35. 92% , 12. 12% and 6. 67% , the pods w ere dist ributed ba la ncelyalo ng the plant. The pod set ting Tiefeng No. 24, Liaodou No. 10 a nd Shendou H- 5064increased faster f rom 10 days to 16 days, 12- 21 days and 15- 26 da ys af ter f low eringrespectiv ely , and reached the giv en leng th a nd width w ere approximately the same. Thethree v arieties have a simi lar period o f pod g row th ( 63 da ys approx imately ) . The seedw eight accumlations of the three v arieties co uld be model led by Logi stic equa tion. Thehighest ra tes o f seed w eight accumula tio n occo ured a t 49. 4, 53. 3 and 56. 6 da ys af terf low ering.
[1 ] 孙醒东, 1956, 大豆,科学出版社
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