Wang JingyingZheng GuipingZhang HongyanLi Guolan.STUDY ON THE REASON OF ROOT-SHOOT RATIO INCREASINGOF SOYBEAN ON CONTINUOUS CROPPING[J].Soybean Science,1997,16(02):136-142.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.1997.02.0136]
- Title:
- Keywords:
- Soy bean; Continuous cro pping; Ro ot-shoo t ratio
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 通过对轮、连作大豆干物质积累量的定期测定,发现连作大豆根、冠干物质积累量均低于轮作,根冠比( R/S,干重比)增大。这主要是由于连作大豆根系病虫害加重,磷、钾等元素亏缺,水分胁迫较重,内源生长素( IAA)、赤霉素( GA3 )、玉米素核苷( ZRs )、脱落酸( ABA)的含量及比例变化导致冠部降低幅度大于根系,最终使根冠比增大。
- Abstract:
- By reg ula r o bserv atio n w e found tha t amount o f dry mat ter accumulatio n of so ybean( roo t a nd shoo t ) , especially shoo t , under continuo us cropping wa s low er than that underro tation.In addio n, disease and insect damag e of roo t became mo re serious and certain element( P, K) showed lacking , and w ater st ress became serious a nd co ntent and pro po rtiono f endog enous ho urmone( IAA, GA3 , ZRs, ABA) cha nged under continuous cropping.Such comprehensiv e facto rs caused the decrease of dry mat ter accumula tion ofshoot more than that o f roo t a nd finally caused roo t-sho ot ra tio increased.
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