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两个广谱抗虫基因源抗性背景DN A的多样性分析
- Title:
- Keywords:
- Soy bean ( G. max ) ; Insect resistance; NILs; RAPDs
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 利用8对抗- 感大豆叶食性害虫近似等位基因系, 100个随机引物进行PCR扩增,在406个稳定重现的片段中,有2个在近等基因系间表现多态性; 不同抗性来源的两组材料间的多态性DN A片段的有/无呈相反趋势,相同抗性来源的材料间的多态性DN A片段的有/无也存在差异。由此可以认为,抗性供体PI171451, PI229358的抗性背景DN A的多样性比较丰富,遗传背景相差较大,说明它们的抗性基因来源不同。在进行广谱抗虫育种实践中,为丰富育成品种,尤其是回交育成品种在抗性基因和抗性基因背景DN A上遗传多样性,避免其遗传脆弱性,以维持持久的抗性,建议同时将上两个广谱抗虫基因源用于大豆广谱抗虫育种计划。
- Abstract:
- 8 pai rs o f leaf-feeding insect s resistant /susceptible so ybean near isogenic lines( NILs) a nd 100 randomly selected primers were inv olved in thi s RARDs study. Amo ngthe 406 repeatable DN A fragment s. 2 shew polymorphism betw een and among theN ILs /Pa rent s used in this prog ram. A div erse tendency o f the absence /presence o f the 2polymo rphic DN A f ragment s between the tw o g roups o f NILs f rom dif ferent do ner parentsimplied the possibility that PI171451 and PI2295358 ca rry di fferent leaf-feeding insects resi stance cont rolling gene( s) , and hav e di fferent DN A backg ro und. Therefore, equalinteg ra tion of leaf-feeding insect resista nce f rom PI171451 and PI229358 into soybean v arieties a re st rongly recommended.
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