XU Tian,LIU Yan,GUO Ji-qiang,et al.Effect of the Mixture of Soy Oligopeptides and Saccharides on Lifetime of Silkworm[J].Soybean Science,2014,33(05):728-730.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2014.05.0728]
- Title:
- Effect of the Mixture of Soy Oligopeptides and Saccharides on Lifetime of Silkworm
- 文章编号:
- 1000-9841.2014.05.0728
- Keywords:
- SOP; SOS; Silkworm; Anti-aging
- 分类号:
- TS245.9
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为探讨大豆低聚肽(SOP)和大豆低聚糖(SOS)复合物对家蚕寿命的影响,把同一批二龄蚕随机分为4组(对照组、低剂量组、中剂量组、高剂量组),将不同浓度的SOP和SOS复合物溶液(复配比为SOP ∶SOS=65 ∶35)涂于桑叶上连续喂养至结茧,观察家蚕生长情况并计算幼虫期和成虫期的平均寿命和最长寿命及对应的延长率。结果表明:SOP和SOS复合物高剂量组(20%)家蚕在幼虫期内平均寿命和最长寿命延长率可达12.69%和14.29%;在成虫期内平均寿命和最长寿命延长率为15.5%和18.37%,有明显的延缓衰老作用,复合物溶液在2.5%~20%范围内,随剂量的增加,延缓衰老作用增强。
- Abstract:
- The paper is to investigate the effects of SOP and SOS on silkworm life .The same batch of one-silkworm-age were randomly divided into four groups:control group,low-dose group,medium-dose group and high-dose group.The different concentration SOP and SOS(SOP ∶SOS=65 ∶35)solutions were applied to the mulberry,continuously fed to cocoon,then observed and calculated the average growth and longest lifetime of silkworm larvae and adult stage and the corresponded elongation.The results showed that SOP and SOS compound in the high-dose group(20%),the average and longest life expectancy rate of larvae were up to 12.69% and 14.29%;and the average and longest life expectancy rate of adult were up to 15.5% and 18.37%,with a clearly anti-aging effect.Within the range of 2.5%-20%,anti-aging effect is enhanced with the increasing dose of the compound.
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