CHEN Yu-sheng,CHEN Quan-zhan.Detoxification of Sulfur on Soybean Seeds Under Copper Stress[J].Soybean Science,2010,29(04):630-633.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2010.04.0630]
- Title:
- Detoxification of Sulfur on Soybean Seeds Under Copper Stress
- 文章编号:
- 1000-9841(2010)04-0630-04
- Keywords:
- Copper stress; Sulfur; Soybean; Protective enzymes
- 分类号:
- S565.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 设置0、0.5、1.0、2.0和4.0 mmol·L-1铜离子浓度梯度,同时在各浓度梯度中分别添加5.0和10.0 mmol·L-1的硫,进行大豆种子萌发试验,通过测定相对电导率和保护酶活性等指标研究了硫对大豆种子铜胁迫下的解毒作用。结果表明:铜对大豆种子的发芽活性具有抑制作用,且随胁迫浓度的增加抑制作用加强;硫对1.0 mmol·L-1铜离子的解毒作用效果明显,能够提高种子的活力指数和根长,减少电解质渗透率;5.0 mmol·L-1硫能够增加铜胁迫下大豆种子POD活性,降低CAT活性。结果证明硫对一定浓度的铜胁迫能够起到缓解作用,其中保护酶参与了细胞膜完整性的维持。
- Abstract:
- The alleviation effects of exogenous sulfate on copper toxicity during the seed germination of soybean (Sudou No.4) was studied. The soybean seeds were soaked in solution with different copper concentrations of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 mmol·L-1, supplied with 5.0, 10.0 mmol·L-1 sulfur, and then the seeds germination, relative permeability and activities of protective enzymes were investigated. The results showed the seed vigor was decreased with the increasing of copper concentration. Addition of sulfur could alleviate the toxicity of 1.0 mmol·L-1 copper to soybean seeds, especially in increasing seed activity index, enhancing root length, and reducing the relative permeability of cell membrane. Under different copper concentrations, 5.0 mmol·L-1 could increase POD activity and decrease CAT activity. The results indicated that sulfur alleviated copper toxicity on soybean seeds to a certain extent, and protective enzymes could maintain the integrity of cell membrane.
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