Song Mei Guo Shuntang.RESEARCH ON THE PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF HYDROLYSATEOF SPI WITH UMAMI TASTE[J].Soybean Science,2006,25(04):349-354.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2006.04.0349]
- Title:
- Keywords:
- Soybean protein isolate; Enzymatic hydrolysis; The degree of hydrolysis ; Umami ; Sensory a-nalysis
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 大豆经酶解后可产生呈现鲜味的物质 。为了研究产品中鲜味的来源及产生鲜味组分的主要组成 ,本研究以大豆分离蛋白为原料, 经风味蛋白酶改性 ,感官分析后发现 ,水解度达到 43%时的酶解液呈鲜较强 、苦味较弱;该酶解产物过截留分子量为 10000 Da, 6000 Da , 3000 Da 的超滤膜,分成四个组分, 发现是平均分子量小于 3000 Da 的肽组份, 而大于 3000 Da 和小于 500 Da 的组分只有微弱的鲜味 ,苦味和涩味明显 。研究结果同时发现该酶解产物与肌苷酸间有显著风味增强效果。
- Abstract:
- Umami taste is the major concern for foodstuff made with soybean. To elucidate the mechanismof the production of umami taste, it is crucial to analyze the composition of compounds forming the umamitaste. In the present study , 43 %of soybean protein isolate (SPI)was hydrolyzed by flavourzyme , produ-cing the most intense umami taste , which is composed of peptides with average molecular weight less than3000 Da as characterized by ultrafiltration. In contrast , peptide fractions with molecular weight more than3000 Da hardly produced the umami taste but forming significantly bitter and astringent tastes. Our resultsalso showed that there was strong synergistic interaction between IMP and soybean hydrolysates on thecase of umami taste.
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作者简介:宋美(1981 -), 女, 硕士研究生, 研究方向为蛋白质加工与利用。通讯作者:郭顺堂教授, 博士生导师。