CHEN Nai-song,YANG Zhi-gang,CUI Wei-dong,et al.Enzymes Hydrolyzing in Vitro Anti-Nutritional Factors in Soybean Meal[J].Soybean Science,2008,27(04):663-668.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2008.04.0663]
- Title:
- Enzymes Hydrolyzing in Vitro Anti-Nutritional Factors in Soybean Meal
- 文章编号:
- 1000-9841(2008)04-0663-06
- 分类号:
- S565.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为了评价几种单一酶、复合酶以及钙离子对豆粕中的相关抗营养因子的水解效果,进行了体外酶解试验。共有4种单一酶制剂(植酸酶、果胶酶、纤维素酶和木聚糖酶)和3种复合酶制剂被采用,其中复合酶SB由α-半乳糖苷酶和木聚糖酶组成,复合酶C3由植酸酶、果胶酶、纤维素酶组成,复合酶C5由植酸酶、果胶酶、纤维素酶、木聚糖酶和α-半乳糖苷酶组成。预试验显示上述酶有基本相似的最适水解反应参数:水分50%、pH 4.8~5.0、温度50℃和时间45 min。在此参数下,添加10.5 Ug-1豆粕的植酸酶,豆粕中植酸的降解率达到69.63%;添加果胶酶16 U.g-1豆粕,豆粕中果胶的降解率达到45.93%;添加纤维素酶50 U. g-1豆粕,纤维素降解率达到66.21%;分别添加木聚糖酶80 U.g-1豆粕和α-半乳糖苷酶0.7 U.g-1豆粕,豆粕中还原糖的释放量增加率分别达到84.77%和65.19%。在豆粕中添加0.2% CaCl2,植酸的降解率与对照组相比微增至71.09%,还原糖的释放量分别增加到88.68%和65.23%。但果胶和纤维素的降解率分别显著地增加到90.01%和70.43%。研究发现复合酶C3和C5对相关的抗营养因子均呈现出不同程度的协同效应。说明使用复合酶制剂并适量添加CaCl2,体外水解豆粕中的相关抗营养因子是可行的。
- Abstract:
- In vitro experiments with several enzyme preparations were conducted to evaluate the effects of several kinds of single enzyme and compound enzyme and Ca2+on hydrolyzation of relative anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) in soybean meal (SBM).Four single enzymes (phytase,pectase,cellulase,xylanase) and three enzyme compounds (SB-including α-galactosidase and xylanase,C3 including phytase,pectase and cellulase,C5 including phytase,pectase,cellulase,xylanase and SB) were employed.A beforehand test showed that the suitable hydrolytical parameter for these enzymes was similarly 50% for moisture,4.8-5.0 for pH,50℃ for incubation temperature,45 minutes for incubation time.With the parameter and addition of 10.5 U phytase in 1 g SBM,the degradation rate of phytate reached 69.63%.The degradation rates of pectin and cellulose were 45.93% and 66.21% with adding 16 U pectase and 40 U cellulase in 1 g SBM respectively,and with adding 80 U xylanase and 0.7 U a-galactosidase in 1 g SBM,the release rates of reducing sugar increased to 84.77% and 65.19% respectively.With 0.2% CaCl2 supplementation in SBM,the degradation rate of phytate reached 71.09%,slightly higher than 69.63% for the control and the release rates of reducing sugar increased to 88.68% and 65.23% respectively,but the degradation rates of pectin and cellulose increased significantly to 90.01% and 70.43%.Synergistic effects on phytate,pectin and cellulose degradation as well as release of reducing sugars were observed when either C3 or C5 was used.This research indicated that multi-enzyme preparation with moderate CaCl2 supplementation was feasible to hydrolyze in vitro specific ANFs in SBM.
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