LYU Yan,GUO Li-xin,ZHANG Hui-li,et al.Interception Analysis of Quarantine Pests in China′s Imported Soybeans from 2009 to 2019[J].Soybean Science,2021,40(02):257-264.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2021.02.0257]
- Title:
- Interception Analysis of Quarantine Pests in China′s Imported Soybeans from 2009 to 2019
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 大豆是中国进口量最大的农产品,因此其携带有害生物风险很高。为提高进口大豆中检疫性有害生物的截获能力,给进口大豆检疫工作及其他相关工作提供参考,本研究统计分析2009—2019年全国口岸进口大豆基本情况,比较分析不同来源国(或地区)大豆中截获杂草、昆虫、真菌等检疫性有害生物的种类数和种次数。结果显示:2009—2019年中国大豆进口量整体呈逐年上升的趋势,2017年大豆进口量达到最大;大豆中截获的检疫性有害生物共136种,包括杂草84种、昆虫24种、真菌14种、病毒8种、细菌3种、线虫2种和软体动物1种。在所截获检疫性有害生物中,疫情问题最突出的是杂草,检出种次数最多的3种杂草分别是假高粱(及其杂交种)、豚草和刺蒺藜草;检疫性昆虫检出种次数最多的是四纹豆象;检疫性真菌检出种次数最多的是大豆北方茎溃疡病菌;检疫性病毒检出种次数最多的是菜豆荚斑驳病毒。从疫情来源国来看,巴西、美国、阿根廷是截获检疫性有害生物种类及种次数最多的3个国家,其中巴西大豆以杂草、昆虫及真菌疫情为主,美国大豆以杂草、真菌及病毒疫情为主,阿根廷大豆以杂草和真菌疫情为主。
- Abstract:
- Soybean is the most imported agricultural product in China. There are very high risks for the entry of high-risk pests from other countries to China by soybean trade. In order to shed light on quarantine of import soybeans at ports, this study collected the basic data of soybean imports from 2009 to 2019, and analyzed the number and times of intercepted quarantine pests such as weeds, insects and fungi from different countries (or regions) at Chinese ports. The results showed that Chinese soybean imports had shown an upward trend in the past eleven years, and reached the peak in 2017. A total of 136 species of quarantine pests were intercepted in soybeans, including 84 species of weeds, 24 species of insects, 14 species of fungi, 8 species of viruses, 3 species of bacteria, 2 species of nematodes and 1 species of molluscs. Among these pests, the most intercepted quarantine pests were weeds, and the three most intercepted weeds were Sorghum halepense, Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Cenchrus echinatus. The quarantine insect with the highest number of intercepted was Callosobruchus maculatus. The quarantine fungus with the highest number of intercepted was Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora. The quarantine virus with the highest number of intercepted was Bean pod mottle virus. Brazil, the United States and Argentina were the three countries that intercepted the most species and times of quarantine pests. Weeds, insects and fungi were the main pests in Brazilian soybeans, fungi and viruses were the main pests in American soybeans, weeds and fungi were the main pests in Argentine soybeans.
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