LIU Bing,ZHANG Ying,ZHANG Hai-bo,et al.Screening Strategy of Genetically Modified Soybean Based on QualitativePCR Methods[J].Soybean Science,2016,35(03):411-417.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2016.03.0411]
- Title:
Screening Strategy of Genetically Modified Soybean Based on QualitativePCR Methods
- 作者:
刘冰; 张英; 张海波; 杨娟妮; 陈西; 张田
陕西省种子管理站/农业部农作物种子质量监督检验测试中心( 西安) ,陕西西安710018
- Author(s):
LIU Bing; ZHANG Ying; ZHANG Hai-bo; YANG Juan-ni; CHEN Xi; ZHANG Tian
( Shaanxi Seed Administration Bureau / The Crop Seed Quality Testing Center,Xi’an 710018,China)
- 关键词:
转基因大豆; 筛查检测; PCR 方法; 灵敏度
- Keywords:
Genetically modified soybean; Screening method; PCR method; Sensitivity
- 分类号:
S565. 1
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
转基因大豆是目前我国进口量最大的转基因作物,为避免转基因大豆及制品的违法使用,快速筛查大豆中转基因成分的方法策略亟待开发。为检索已知商业化转基因大豆的外源基因信息,通过构建转基因大豆常用转化元件的数据库,建立了转基因大豆的筛查策略。结果表明: 已知的15 个转基因大豆转化事件中,利用CaMV35S 启动子、CP4-epsps 基因、Bt 基因、pat 基因4 个靶标元件的组合,可筛查12 个转基因大豆的转化事件; 另有3 个转化事件需要使用转化事件特异性引物检测。使用4 个靶标元件和转化事件组合的筛查方法检测的灵敏度可达到1 g·kg - 1 ,可对大豆中的转化事件进行快速、高灵敏度的筛查。
- Abstract:
Genetically modified ( GM) soybean is the largest amount crop of imported genetically modified organism in China.In order to avoid unauthorized genetically modified ( GM) soybean events occurred occasionally,a quick screening method isneeded urgently. According to the inserted gene elements information of commercial domestic and foreign in GM soybean events,a screening strategy was developed for detecting complex molecular structure in GM soybean events based on elementfrequencies. A combination of CaMv35S promoter,CP4-epsps /Bt /Bar /pat genes as screening target elements could screentwelve genetically modified ( GM) soybean events,the event specific primer could detect other three genetically modified( GM) soybean. Results showed that the detection sensitivity of this method was 1 g·kg - 1. In conclusion,the screening strategyis currently a unique and very valuable tool which could quickly screen out GM soybean detection with high sensitivity andspecificity.
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