ZHANG Ji-jun,ZHANG Zhi-liang,CHEN Hong,et al.Survey and Study on the Wild Soybean Germplasm Resources in Chongqing[J].Soybean Science,2010,29(01):131-135,150.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2010.01.0131]
- Title:
- Survey and Study on the Wild Soybean Germplasm Resources in Chongqing
- 文章编号:
- 1000-9841(2010)01-0131-05
- Keywords:
- Wild soybean; Investigation; Study; Chongqing
- 分类号:
- S565.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 于2006~2007年对重庆市19个区(县)的野生大豆资源进行了考察,其中8个区(县)观察到野生大豆分布。共搜集野生大豆混合样本43份、单株197份(半野生大豆25份),其中高海拔的东部山区野生大豆居群分布密度略高,类型较为丰富。考察发现野生大豆在重庆地区分布面积锐减,濒危状况日益严重。通过考察搜集到了有利用价值的资源,丰富了国家种质资源库重庆地区野生大豆的数量和半野生大豆的类型。
- Abstract:
- Field survey on annual wild soybean(Glycine soja)was carried out in 19 districts(or counties)of Chongqing from 2006 to 2007 and eight districts or counties were observed to have wild soybean.Total 43 populations(two mixed populations of wild and semiwild soybeans)and 197 individual plants(25 semi-wild soybean plants)were collected.Investigation indicated that the distribution area of wild soybean in Chongqing was sharply reduced.The collection of these accessions from Chongqing enriched semi-wild soybean types and the quantum of accessions for the national wild soybean germplasm genebank collection.Also we obtained some valuable accessions.The investigation showed that the northeastern part of Chongqing had higher distribution density of wild soybean populations and had more abundant character types.There were obvious photoperiod ecotypes and the northeastern wild soybean accessions flowered later than the western ones.
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