Xu Ran Zhang Lifeng Wang Caijie Li Xinghua Li Wei Da Haiying.ANALYSIS ON THE QUALITY AND GENETIC IMPROVEMENTOF FATIN SUMMER SOYBEAN CULTIVARS OF SHANDONG PROVINCE[J].Soybean Science,2006,25(04):385-389.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2006.04.0385]
- Title:
- Keywords:
- Shandong ; Summer soybean; Fat quality ; Fatty acid; Improvement
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 大豆[ Glycine max (L)Merrill] 脂肪品质的优劣取决于不同脂肪酸在脂肪中所占的比例。为了解山东省夏大豆品种脂肪品质 ,探讨大豆脂肪品质的改良途径,本研究对 727 份山东省夏大豆品种的粗脂肪含量、5种脂肪酸含量及主要农艺性状之间的相互关系进行了分析 。结果表明:山东夏大豆品种的粗脂肪和脂肪酸含量存在较大差异 。粗脂肪含量为 13.9%~ 24.0%, 其中硬脂酸占脂肪总量的 1.6%~ 5.5%, 平均 3.3 %;软脂酸为 7.1%~ 14.5%, 平均 12.1 %;油酸为 14.2%~34.4 %,平均 21.6%;亚油酸为 43 .9%~ 61.4%, 平均 54.3%;亚麻酸为 4.9%~ 13.6%, 平均8.7%。通过品种选育和遗传改良可获得不饱和脂肪酸和必需脂肪酸含量高的品种。各种脂肪酸之间存在不同程度的相关性, 相关系数为 -0 .859**~ 0.417**,利用其相关性可以有效改善大豆脂肪中不同脂肪酸的比例 ,提高大豆脂肪品质 。脂肪酸与生育日数 、株高 、百粒重之间也存在不同程度的相关性, 相关系数为-0.295 ** ~ 0 .402**。利用这些相关性, 通过农艺性状可间接选择必需脂肪酸和不饱和脂肪酸含量高的品种 ,改良大豆的脂肪品质。
- Abstract:
- ?Soybean[ Glycine max (L)Merrill] is an important source of fat .It is known that the quality offat lies on the percentages of different kinds of fatty acids in fat .Development of soybean cultivars withlow saturated fatty acid content and high unsaturated fatty acid content is an important goal of soybeanbreeder .In order to get more information of fatty quality and improve the quality of summer soybean fat inShandong province, the percentage of fat and 5 kinds of fatty acid of 727 summer soybean cultivars weremeasured , the Pearson correlations of fat , fatty acids and main agronomic characteristics were analyzed.The results showed that there were great difference among the cultivars , the percentages of fat wereranged from 13.9%to 24.0%, the mean of the percentage was 18 .2%;the percentage of stearic acid inseed oil ranged from 1.6%to 5.5%, the mean was 3 .3%;palmitic acid was ranged from 7.1 %to 14.5%,the mean was 12.1 %;oleic acid was ranged from 14.2% to 34.4%, the mean was 21 .6 %;linoleic acidwas ranged from 43 .9%to 61.4%, the mean was 54.3%;linolenic acid was ranged from 4.9 %to 13.6%,the mean was 8.7%.And there were significant correlations between fat , fatty acids and agronomic char-acteristics.The Pearson correlation coefficient between fat and stearic acid was 0.327**, and palmitic acidwas -0.161 ** , and oleic acid was 0.236 ** , and linoleic acid was -0 .105 ** , and linolenic acid was-0.525 ** .The correlation coefficient between oleic acid and stearic acid, palmitic acid , linoleic acid , andlinolenic acid were 0 .292 ** , -0.145 ** , -0 .859 ** , and -0.708 ** .The correlation coefficient be- tween linoleic acid and stearic acid, palmitic acid, and linolenic acid were -0.325**, -0 .181**and0.417 ** .The correlation coefficient between fatty acid and Growth Period (d)ranged from -0.195 ** to0.185 ** , between stearic acid and Growth Period was 0.058, and palmitic acid was -0.133**, and oleicacid was -0.195**, and linoleic acid was 0.185**, and linolenic acid was 0.157**;the correlation coef-ficient between Plant height (cm)and fat , stearic acid, palmitic acid , oleic acid , linoleic acid, and linolenicacid were -0.249 ** , -0 .093 *, 0.106 ** , -0.239 ** , 0.106 ** , and 0.309 ** ;the correlation coeffi-cient between 100 -seed weight (g)and fat , stearic acid , palmitic acid, oleic acid , linoleic acid, and linole-nic acid were 0 .402**, 0.077*, -0.194**, 0 .296**, -0.152**, and -0.295**.T he results sugges-ted that soybean cultivars with quality fat could be gotten by cultivar breeding ;the quality of soybean fatcould be improved by means of the correlations between different fatty acids, and the correlations betweenfatty acids and agronomic characteristics.
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