L iu X iaob ingJin JianW ang G uanghuaY ang SupingZhang Q iuy ingL iY anhua.ENDOGENOUSHORMONE ACTIVITIES DURING SEED DEVELOPMENTOF SOYBEAN GENOTYPES DIFFERING IN PROTE IN CONTENT[J].Soybean Science,2000,19(03):238-242.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2000.03.0238]
- Title:
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 对蛋白质含量不同的大豆籽形成过程中内源激素活性变化的研究表明: GA 3活性在不同基因型大豆中存在着差异, 但活性高峰期和总的变化规律在品种(系)间是相似的。高蛋白和中蛋白含量的品种在籽粒发育初期就表现出较高的GA 3 活性,高蛋白和中蛋白品种的iPA s和IAA 活性在籽粒形成过程中出现两个高峰期, 而低蛋白品系的IAA 只出现一个高峰期。中蛋白品种的iPA s活性在籽粒形成过程中明显高于其他类型的品种。而低蛋白品系的IAA 活性在籽粒形成过程中都明显高于高、中蛋白含量的品种。由此初步认为, 内源激素活性变化与不同基因型大豆的蛋白质积累有关, 单一GA3 活性和IAA 活性参与蛋白质积累的调节激素之间的平衡, 尤其是R5 期后20天IAA / iPA s的比值与成熟期籽粒蛋白质含量关系密切, 呈负相关关系。
- Abstract:
- Endog enou s ho rm one act iv it ie s du ring seed dev elopm en t o f th ree soy beang eno types d iffer ing in pro tein con ten tw ere inv est ig a ted. T he resu lts show that there a resign if ican t g eno typ ic diffe rences in GA3 act iv ities du ring seed deve lopm en t, bu t act iv itypeak and g enera l t rend are sim ilar am ong cu ltuv ars. GA 3 act iv it ies at early stag es o fseed dev elopm en t a re ev iden t ly highe r in h ig h-pro te in and m idd le- p ro te in cu lt iva rs.T here are a lso tw o peaks in iPA s and IAA activ it ies du ring seed dev e lo pm en t in them idd le-and h igh-pro tein cu ltiv ars, bu t on ly o ne peak o f IAA act iv ity in low - pro teinline. iPA s act iv ites o fm idd le-p ro te in cul tiv ar are sig nif ican tly hig her than tho se o f o thertw o cu lt iv ars, bu t IAA act iv ities o f low - pro tein line a t a ll stages du ring seeddev elo pm en t a re sign if ican t ly h ighe r than tho se o fm iddle- and h igh- pro te in cu lt iva rs.It is conclude tha t ho rm ones are invo lved in the accim ilat ion o f pro tein, and h ighe rGA3activ ity is responsib le fo r hig h- p ro te in, h ighe r IAA activ ity is re sponsib le fo r low -p ro te in, and the rat io o f IAA / iPA s a t 20 day s af ter R5 stage is neg at ive ly ca rre la ted top ro te in con ten t at m a tu rity.
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[1]马淑英 梁歧 尹田夫 张思河 候建设 毕建丽.大豆籽粒发育过程中脂肪酸的组分分析[J].大豆科学,1999,18(02):124.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.1999.02.0124]
Ma ShuyingLiang QiYin TianfuZhang SiheHou JiansheBi Jianli.ANALYSIS OF THE FATTY ACIDS COMPOSITION DURINGTHE DEVELOPMENT OF SOYBEAN SEED[J].Soybean Science,1999,18(03):124.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.1999.02.0124]