ZENG Kai,ZHAO Jing,ZHANG Heng-bin,et al.Establishment of Super High Yield Cultivation Mode of Spring Soybean Under Film Drip Irrigation in Xinjiang[J].Soybean Science,2021,40(01):28-38.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2021.01.0028]
- Title:
- Establishment of Super High Yield Cultivation Mode of Spring Soybean Under Film Drip Irrigation in Xinjiang
- 文章编号:
- 2021,40(1):028-038
- Keywords:
- Xinjiang; Spring soybean; Drip irrigation under mulch; Super-high yield; Cultivation patterns
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 新疆农垦科学院作物研究所于2016和2017年开展膜下滴灌超高产创建研究工作,创建大豆吉育86超高产田,连续两年获得6 200 kg〖DK1〗?hm-2以上的超高产量,为进一步推广此项高产模式,本研究以其为参考,从超高产的产量结构、群体特征、生理特性等进行解析,介绍超高产技术的具体流程与措施。结果表明:产量结构方面,收获25.24万株〖DK1〗?hm-2,平均单株31.8个荚、92.54粒,每荚平均2.91粒,单株粒重26.33 g,百粒重28.46 g。群体特征方面,生物产量积累在出苗后的68~127 d,即R4~R6时期,叶面积指数在结荚鼓粒期达到最大值7.2,且始粒期(R5)至始熟期(R7)叶面积指数≥3可维持42 d。生理特征表现为叶绿素含量在鼓粒期最高达到52以上。器官平衡特征是,叶片、叶柄、茎秆、荚皮和籽粒在生物产量中分别占16.3%、13.7%、18.2%、14.8%和37.0%。根据超高产大豆相关特征指标,结合当年栽培措施,从施肥技术、灌水措施、化学调控、叶面施肥等方面,总结了新疆大豆超高产的栽培模式,该模式区对提高新疆乃至我国的大豆单产和增加总产具有一定的参考意义。
- Abstract:
- In 2016 and 2017, the Crop Research Institute of Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Reclamation Sciences carried out the research on the establishment of super high yield field of soybean Jiyu 86 by submembrane drip irrigation, and obtained the super high yield of more than6 200 kg?ha-1 for two consecutive years. This study took it as a reference to analyze the yield structure, population characteristics and physiological characteristics of the super high yield, and introduced the specific process and measures of the super high yield technology.The results showed that252 400 plants?ha-1 were harvested, with an average of 31.8 pods and 92.54 seeds per pod, with an average of 2.91 seeds per pod, with seed weight of 26.33 g per plant and seed weight of 28.46 g per 100 plant. In terms of population characteristics, the biological yield accumulated in the 68-127 days after seedling emergence, that the R4-R6 stages, and the LEAF area index (LAI) reached a maximum of 7.2 in the pod setting and pellet stage, and the LAI was maintained for 42 days from the beginning of pellet stage (R5) to the beginning of ripening stage (R7) ≥3.The physiological characteristic is that the chlorophyll content reaches above 52 at the maximum in the drum-seed stage.The characteristics of organ balance were that leaves, petioles, stems, peels and seeds accounted for 16.3%, 13.7%, 18.2%, 14.8% and 37.0%, respectively. According to the characteristic indexes of super high yield soybean, combined with the current cultivation measures, the cultivation mode of super high yield soybean in Xinjiang was summarized from the aspects of fertilization technology, irrigation measures, chemical regulation and foliar fertilization, etc. This mode area has certain reference significance for improving the yield per unit area and increasing the total yield of soybean in Xinjiang and even in China.
[1]罗赓彤战勇刘胜利孔新王曙明 孙大敏盖钧镒.新大豆1 号和石大豆1 号高产纪录的创造[J].大豆科学,2001,20(04):270.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2001.04.0270]
Luo Geng tongZhan YongLiu ShengliKong XinWang ShumingSun DaminGai Junyi.THE CREATION OF THE HIGHEST YIELD RECORDS ONXINGDADOU 1 AND SHIDADOU 1 OF SOYBEAN CULTIVATORS[J].Soybean Science,2001,20(01):270.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2001.04.0270]
XU Ya-xin,XU Yue,LI Ling,et al.Effects of Rhizobia Inoculation on Nodulation and Growth of Spring Soybean in Southern Xinjiang[J].Soybean Science,2021,40(01):98.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2021.01.0098]
国家大豆产业技术体系石河子综合试验(CARS-04-CES08); 国家重点研发计划(2017YFD0101302); 兵团科技攻关与成果转化计划(2016AC027)。