NIU Yuan,XU Yu,LI Guang-jun,et al.Domestication of Seed Size and Shape Traits in Soybean[J].Soybean Science,2012,31(04):522-528.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-9841.2012.04.003]
- Title:
- Domestication of Seed Size and Shape Traits in Soybean
- 文章编号:
- 1000-9841(2012)04-0522-07
- Keywords:
- Domestication; Factor analysis; Quantitative trait locus; Seed trait; Soybean
- 分类号:
- S565.1;S332.2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 从野生大豆到栽培大豆的驯化过程中,籽粒大小和形状发生了很大变化,探究这些性状的变化规律能加深对基因驯化机制的认识。以14个野生大豆、45个地方品种和30个育成品种为材料,进行上述性状的偏相关和因子分析。结果表明:栽培品种中百粒重和籽粒大小呈极显著相关,但野生大豆中百粒重和粒长不相关;野生大豆中长宽比是因子分析第1因子的重要成分,而栽培品种并非如此;百粒重与籽粒大小显著相关,与粒形性状不相关。此外,上述结果还通过溧水中子黄豆和南农493-1杂交组合构建的504个正反交F2∶3、F2∶4和F2∶5家系群体的偏相关分析和QTL定位结果予以证实。
- Abstract:
- The seed size and shape of soybean have significantly changed during the domestication of wild soybeans to their cultivated form.Investigating these traits could enhance our understanding of the genetic mechanisms of domestication.In this study,14 wild soybeans,45 landraces and 30 released cultivars were used to investigate the domestication mechanism of the above traits using partial correlation analysis and factor analysis.As a result,100-seed weight was significantly associated with seed size traits in the cultivated soybeans but not with seed length in the wild soybeans,and seed length-to-width ratio was a main component in the first factor of factor analysis in wild soybean but not in the cultivated soybean.In addition,the 100-seed weight was significantly associated with seed size but not with seed shape.This was further confirmed by partial correlation analysis and quantitative trait loci mapping in 504 F2∶3,F2∶4 and F2∶5 families from direct and reciprocal crosses of Lishuizhongzihuangdou and Nannong 493-1.
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